Page 199 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 199

                                                                                                        OUR NUMBERS

            STATEMENTS  OF

            PROFIT  OR LOSS
            FOR THE  YEAR ENDED  31 DECEMBER  2023 (18 JAMADIL  AKHIR 1445H)

                                                                           Group                        Bank
                                                                     2023          2022           2023          2022
                                                      Note         RM’000        RM’000        RM’000         RM’000

            Income derived from investment
              of depositors’ funds and others           28       1,733,875      1,300,612     1,733,875     1,300,612
            Income derived from investment
              of investment accounts funds              29          11,316        11,395        11,316         11,395
            Income derived from investment
              of shareholders’ funds                    30          39,463        27,878        43,936         20,426
            Allowance for impairment
              losses  on  financing                     31         (33,260)       (41,010)     (33,260)       (41,010)
            Allowance for impairment
              losses  on  financial  investments,  net     32         (526)        (4,371)         (526)       (4,371)
            Allowance for impairment losses on other
              financial  assets,  net                   33            (105)          (38)         (105)           (38)
            Other  expenses  directly  attributable
              to the investment of the depositors
              and shareholders’ funds                              (46,149)       (26,602)     (46,149)       (26,602)
            Total  distributable  income                         1,704,614      1,267,864     1,709,087     1,260,412
            Income attributable to depositors           34        (831,807)      (453,026)     (832,164)     (453,279)
            Income attributable to
              investment account holders                              (240)         (205)         (240)          (205)
            Total  net  income                                     872,567       814,633       876,683        806,928
            Personnel expenses                          35        (306,957)      (276,783)     (304,291)     (273,987)
            Other  overheads  and  expenditures         38        (187,853)      (176,011)     (189,462)     (177,317)
            Finance costs                               39         (82,174)       (55,114)     (82,174)       (55,114)
            Profit  before  zakat  and  taxation                   295,583       306,725       300,756        300,510
            Zakat                                       40         (10,227)        (2,692)       (9,929)       (2,254)
            Taxation                                    41         (73,541)       (81,255)      (72,781)      (78,818)

            Profit  for  the  year                                 211,815       222,778       218,046        219,438
            Earnings per share attributable
              to  shareholders  of  the  Bank  (sen)  (basic):   42     17.73      18.64

            The  accompanying  notes  form  an  integral  part  of  the  financial  statements.

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