Page 200 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 200


          STATEMENTS  OF

          FOR THE  YEAR ENDED  31 DECEMBER  2023 (18 JAMADIL  AKHIR 1445H)

                                                                         Group                       Bank
                                                                  2023           2022          2023          2022
                                                    Note        RM’000        RM’000         RM’000        RM’000

          Profit  for  the  year                                 211,815       222,778      218,046        219,438

          Other  comprehensive  loss:
           Items  that  may  be  reclassified
           subsequently  to  profit  or  loss
           Net  gain/(loss)  on  financial
             investments at fair value through
             other comprehensive income
             Net  (loss)/gain  on  financial
             investments at fair value through other
             comprehensive income                                25,520        (40,339)      25,520        (40,339)
             -  Net gain/(loss) on change in fair value          54,076        (39,342)      54,076        (39,342)
             -  Changes in expected credit losses     5 (ii)        526           (60)          526            (60)
             -  Income tax effect                    16          (8,852)         1,069         (8,852)       1,069
             -  Realised  gain  transferred  to  profit  or
               loss on disposal of debts instruments     28 & 30   (20,230)     ( 2,006)     (20,230)       (2,006)
             Exchange  fluctuation  reserve                      (1,475)        2,417         (1,475)        2,417
          Items  that  may  not  be  reclassified
           subsequently  to  profit  or  loss
           Net unrealised loss on
             equity securities at fair value
             through other comprehensive income                 (34,718)       (51,039)      (34,718)      (51,039)

          Other  comprehensive  loss
           for  the  year,  net  of  tax                        (10,673)       (88,961)      (10,673)      (88,961)

          Total  comprehensive  income  for  the  year          201,142       133,817       207,373        130,477

          The  accompanying  notes  form  an  integral  part  of  the  financial  statements.

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