Page 201 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 201

                                                                                                        OUR NUMBERS


            CHANGES  IN EQUITY
            FOR THE  YEAR ENDED  31 DECEMBER  2023 (18 JAMADIL  AKHIR 1445H)

                                                                 Non-Distributable             Distributable
                                                                                      Fair  value
                                                                                  through  other
                                                                         Exchange   comprehensive
                                        Ordinary   Perpetual  Regulatory  fluctuation   income    Retained      Total
                                           shares     Sukuk    reserve    reserve       reserve     profits    equity
            Group                        RM’000     RM’000     RM’000     RM’000        RM’000     RM’000    RM’000

            At  1  January  2023        1,195,000         -     94,239      3,066        (1,342)  1,595,641  2,886,604

            Profit  for  the  year              -         -          -          -             -   211,815    211,815
            Other  comprehensive
              loss for the year                 -         -          -     (1,475)       (9,198)         -    (10,673)
            Total comprehensive
              (loss)/income for the year        -         -          -     (1,475)       (9,198)  211,815    201,142
            Transfer of fair value
              changes recognised for
              equity instruments
              (elected  as  FVOCI)
              upon derecognition                -         -          -          -         3,574     (3,574)         -
            Net issuance of Perpetual
              Sukuk                             -   348,755          -          -             -          -   348,755
            Transfer to regulatory
              reserve                           -         -     61,508          -             -    (61,508)         -

            At  31  December  2023       1,195,000   348,755   155,747      1,591        (6,966)  1,742,374  3,436,501

            At  1  January  2022        1,195,000         -     28,079       649         43,374  1,485,685  2,752,787
            Profit  for  the  year             -          -          -          -             -    222,778    222,778
            Other  comprehensive
            income/(loss) for the year         -          -          -      2,417        (91,378)        -    (88,961)
            Total comprehensive
              income/(loss) for the year       -          -          -      2,417        (91,378)   222,778   133,817
            Transfer of fair value
              changes recognised
              for equity instruments
              (elected  as  FVOCI)
              upon derecognition               -          -          -          -        46,662    (46,662)        -
            Transfer from regulatory
              reserve                          -          -     66,160          -             -    (66,160)        -
            At  31  December  2022      1,195,000         -     94,239      3,066         (1,342)  1,595,641   2,886,604

            The  accompanying  notes  form  an  integral  part  of  the  financial  statements.

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