Page 176 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 176


          STATEMENT ON

          The  governance  structure  and  committees  responsible  for  effective  governance  and  supervision  over  risk-related  functions
          is as illustrated below:

                                                RISK GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE
                                                 BOARD OF DIRECTORS (BOD)

           Establish a strong risk management and provide oversight for overall risk governance to ensure that the Bank’s strategic
           objectives are supported by sound risk strategy and an effective risk management framework
                                                  BOARD RISK COMMITTEES

           Board Risk & Compliance Committee (BRCC)        Board Veto Committee (VETO)     Shariah Committee (SC)
           •  Ensure effective management of risks and     •  Review approvals of large    •  Serve as advisory
             enforcement of approved risk tolerances and limits.  financing granted by Credit   to the Board and
           •  Review and assess the existing risk management   Committee (management level).  Management team on
             framework for its continued efficacy.                                          all Shariah matters.
           •  Ensure robust infrastructure and systems as well as
             resources are in place to monitor risk and capital

                                      EXECUTIVE LEVEL-RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES
           Executive Risk Management Committee (ERMC), Asset Liability Committee (ALCO), Credit Committee (CC),
           Investment Committee (IC), Operational Risk Management Committee (ORMC), Business Continuity Management
           Committee (BCMC), Enterprise Risk Management Committee (ERMCo), Asset Quality and Impairment
           Committee (AQIC), Credit Risk Management Committee (CRMC), Model Validation and Acceptance Committee (MVAC)
           and Collection & Recovery Task Force (CRT)
           •  Undertake the execution and implementation of Bank’s strategies, policies and methodologies in line with the Board’s vision.
           •  Identify, evaluate, measure and monitor the strategic and business plans, capital plan and risk appetite statement as per
             the Board’s approval.

                                                      LINE OF DEFENCE
           1  Line                            2  Line                                   3  Line
           (Business Units)                   (Risk Management Control & Compliance)    (Internal Audit)
           •  Risk are directly undertaken and   •  Ensure independent oversight and    •  Provide independent
             assumed in the day-to-day business   management of all material risks undertaken   review and assurance
             activities and operations.         by the Bank.                              on adequacy of risk
           •  As front-liners, responsible for   •  Provide specialised resources for developing   management process and
             carrying out the established       risk frameworks, policies, methodologies and   effectiveness of the first
             processes for identifying,         tools for risk identification, measurement and   two lines of defence in
             mitigating and managing risks      control.                                  fulfilling their mandates.
             within their respective environment   •  Provide the control function, which monitors
             aligned with the Bank’s strategic   the risk by using various key indicators and
             targets.                           reports, guided by established risk appetite
                                                and tolerance limits.

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