Page 178 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 178


          STATEMENT ON

          CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT                                In  view  of  the  ongoing  volatility  in  the  financial  markets,
                                                                the  Bank  undertakes  periodic  stress  tests  to  assess  the
          Credit  risk  is  the  risk  of  financial  loss  if  a  customer  or     impact  of  the  movements  in  market  rates  to  the  Bank’s
          counterparty  fails  to  meet  its  obligations.  The  credit   earning at risk (EaR) and economic value of equity (EVE).
          management  policies,  guidelines,  and  credit  underwriting
          standards are outlined in the Bank’s Credit Risk Policy (CRP)
          and  Guideline  to  Credit  Risk  Policies  (GCRP)  documents.    LIQUIDITY RISK MANAGEMENT
          The  policies  are  reviewed  and  updated  regularly  to  ensure
                                                                Liquidity  risk  is  the  risk  of  inability  to  fund  any  obligation
          its continued relevance and effectiveness.
                                                                on  time  as  they  fall  due,  whether  due  to  increase  in  asset
          The Bank adopts a holistic portfolio-based risk management   or  demand  for  funds  from  the  depositors.  The  Bank  will
          approach  to  ensure  sustainable  growth  and  market  share   incur  liquidity  risk  if  it  is  unable  to  maintain  liquidity,
          retention while operating within the established risk appetite   thus  resulting  in  serious  implications  on  its  reputation  and
          and  tolerance  parameters.  Regular  portfolio  reviews  and   continued existence.
          stress tests are performed on identified high risk sectors and
          vulnerable  customer  segments,  taking  into  consideration   The  Bank’s  priority  in  managing  liquidity  risk  is  to  maintain
          potential  emerging  risks,  to  ensure  remedial  actions  are   a  stable  source  of  financial  resources  to  meet  its  funding
          appropriately and timely initiated.                   requirements.    The  Bank  ensures  sufficient  cash  and  liquid
                                                                assets  are  made  available  to  meet  short  and  long-term
          Several  initiatives  have  been  implemented  to  improve  the   obligations  through  active  balance  sheet  and  funding
          management  of  credit  risk.  These  include  enhancements   position management.
          of  credit  risk  reports  to  facilitate  informed  decision-making
                                                                The  primary  focus  of  liquidity  management  is  to  proactively
          process,  development  and  calibration  of  application  and
                                                                assess  all  cash  inflows  against  outflows  to  identify  any
          behavioural scorecards, and strengthening of risk monitoring
                                                                potential  net  shortfall  going  forward,  including  for  those
          through  dedicated  risk  and  asset  quality  management
                                                                involving off-balance sheet commitments. The measurements
                                                                and  limits  used  to  monitor  and  manage  liquidity  risk  are
          The  Bank  has  also  established  clear  target  markets  and  risk   as  prescribed  under  the  Bank  Negara  Malaysia’s  (BNM’s)
          acceptance  criteria  for  customer  onboarding,  including   liquidity  framework,  i.e.,  Liquidity  Coverage  Ratio  (LCR)
          financing  parameters  and  risk-return  expectations,  to  ensure   and  Net  Stable  Funding  Ratio  (NSFR).  The  Bank  has  also
          that  risk-returns  are  maintained  within  the  risk  appetite  and   established  a  liquidity  contingency  plan  to  ensure  its
          parameters.                                           readiness in dealing with any potential liquidity crisis.
          The  Bank  plays  a  pivotal  role  in  accelerating  customers’   For  effective  liquidity  risk  prediction,  the  Bank  has  put
          transition  towards  more  sustainable  practices  in  their    in  placed  Liquidity  Crisis  Early  Warning  Signals  (LCEWS)
          business  operations  by  introducing  the  environmental,     that are pivotal tools in identifying and mitigating liquidity risks
          social and governance (ESG) scorecard that embed sustainability   before they materialise.
          metrics, guided by BNM’s Climate Change and Principle-based
          Taxonomy Guidance Document.
                                                                OPERATIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT
                                                                Operational  risk  is  defined  as  the  risk  of  loss  resulting
                                                                from  inadequate  or  failed  internal  processes,  people  and
          Market risk is defined as risk of losses in on- and off-balance   system  or  from  various  external  events.  The  effects  of
          sheet  positions  resulting  from  movements  in  market  rates,   operational  risk  may  extend  beyond  financial  losses  and
          foreign  exchange  rates,  equity,  and  commodity  prices  which   could result in legal and reputational risk implications.
          may adversely impact earnings and capital positions.
                                                                The  risk  management  framework  has  been  enhanced  to
          The  Bank’s  market  risk  framework  contains  policies  and   incorporate  improvements  to  risk  and  control  assessment
          guidelines  on  key  risk  management  practices  such  as  risk   approaches and risk reporting with the inclusion of leading risk
          identification,  measurement,  mitigation,  monitoring  and   indicators and control testing mechanism.
          control.  The  market  risk  policies  and  specific  limits  for
                                                                Other  mitigation  actions  include  strengthening  the  first  line
          trading  and  non-trading  book  portfolios  are  reviewed  and
                                                                of  defence  via  continuous  operational  risk  training  and
          updated  to  be  in  line  with  the  latest  regulatory  expectation
                                                                awareness  for  new  recruits  and  risk  agents  and  increased
          and industry practices.
                                                                engagements  with  the  risk  owners  at  branches  and  head
                                                                office departments.
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