Page 173 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 173


            STATEMENT ON


            The  ever-changing  nature  of  the  operating  environment    that  could  negatively  impact  the  Bank.  Gap  analysis
            led  to  evolvement  of  legal  and  regulatory  requirements  in   assessment  is  a  vital  process  that  helps  the  Bank  to
            which  non-compliance  may  have  greater  and  more  adverse   assess the adherence to the specific law, regulations, and
            effects  to  the  integrity,  trust  and  stability  of  the  banking   standards  as  well  as  to  identify  areas  of  improvement
            institutions  and  the  industry  as  a  whole.  Recognising  this,    or  potential  compliance  risk  that  may  affect  the  Bank’s
            the  Bank  has  put  in  place  a  robust  compliance  risk    product, activities, and initiatives. Through gap analysis,
            management  programme  to  ensure  adherence  to  applicable    the  Bank  is  able  to  identify  and  prioritise  processes
            laws,  regulations  and  meet  industry  best  practices  while   that  must  be  improved  and  assist  Board  and  senior
            protecting  the  interest  of  stakeholders,  customers,  and  the   management  in  making  a  decision  by  allocating  the
            broader society.                                           resources, budget and priority accordingly.

            The  Board  has  established  tone  at  the  top  and  maintain    ii.   Risk Control
            overall  oversight  responsibility  including  defining  the
            appropriate  governance  structure  and  setting  risk  appetite.   Based on the risk assessment, the Bank has established
            The Board is assisted by Board Risk & Compliance Committee   comprehensive  policies,  procedures  and  manuals
            (BRCC)  and  Board  Audit  Committee  (BAC)  to  oversee   that  outline  the  Bank’s  compliance  expectations  and
            matters  relating  to  management  of  compliance  risk  and   requirements. These documents are regularly reviewed,
            implementation  of  its  controls  mechanism.  At  management   updated,  and  communicated  to  relevant  stakeholders
            level,  Executive  Risk  Management  Committee  is  responsible   to  ensure  that  the  controls  established  are  effective  to
            to  oversee  the  implementation  of  risk  management     minimise the risk and able to prevent new or emerging
            programme.                                                 risk from occurring.
            Bank  Muamalat’s  Compliance  Risk  Management  Programme   The  Bank  continuously  enhances  and  develops
            adopts  the  three  lines  of  defence  mechanism,  designed   products,  services  and  initiated  various  projects  to
            to  ensure  effective  controls  in  managing  compliance  risk.     offer better range of products and services to enhance
            In  this  method,  the  primary  responsibilities  in  managing   customers’  experience.  These  initiatives  are  well
            the  compliance  risk  are  with  the  first  line  of  defence  which   supported by the regulatory advisory function as a control
            implements  the  management  controls  to  ensure  compliance   measure  to  ensure  all  regulatory  requirements  and
            in  day-to-day  operations.  The  second  line  of  defence  which   expectations are met and compliance risk are proactively
            is  independent  from  the  first  line  is  responsible  to  establish   managed by the Bank.
            appropriate  policies,  procedures,  and  control  mechanism
            with  the  objective  to  ensure  continuous  compliance  with   The  Bank  acknowledged  that  having  staff  with
            the  regulatory  requirements.  The  third  line  of  defence  is   good  compliance  culture  is  paramount  in  managing
            the  Internal  Audit  Function  which  is  independent  from  the    compliance  risk.  Thus,  the  Bank  is  continuously
            first  line  and  second  line  where  the  role  is  to  provides   provide  regular  training  and  awareness  programs  to
            independent  assessment  and  validation  of  the  adequacy    employees  at  all  level  of  the  organisation  to  ensure
            and effectiveness of overall compliance programme.         they  understand  their  compliance  responsibilities  and
                                                                       obligations.  Training  is  tailored  to  matters  relevant  to
                                                                       their  roles,  helping  them  to  understand  their
            COMPLIANCE RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME                       responsibilities  and  keep  updated  on  regulatory
            The  Bank  has  put  in  place  a  systematic  Compliance  Risk
            Management Programme that designed to ensure adherence   iii.   Risk monitoring
            to specific regulations, standards, and internal policies. It is a
            continuous  methodical  process  comprise  of  risk  assessment,   Monitoring mechanism is in place to assess and assure
            control, monitoring, and reporting of risk exposures within the   that  the  Bank’s  operations,  activities,  and  practices
            Bank.                                                      comply  with  the  regulatory  requirements,  industry
                                                                       standard.    Compliance  review  function  is  carried  out
            i.   Risk assessment                                       based  on  systematic  identification  of  compliance
                                                                       risk  areas  which  form  a  basis  for  Annual  Review  Plan.
                 The  Bank  conduct  compliance  risk  assessment  to     The  main  objective  is  to  provide  reasonable  assurance
                 identify,  evaluate,  prioritise,  and  manage  risks  inherent     to  Board  and  senior  management  on  the  adherence
                 in  the  Bank’s  products,  initiatives  and  business     to  the  compliance  programme,  identify  areas  of
                 operations  as  well  as  emerging  risks  that  may  led  to   non-compliance  or  potential  risk  and  take  corrective
                 non-compliance  to  regulatory,  Anti-Money  Laundering/  actions  to  mitigate  those  risk.  The  review  coverage
                 Counter  Terrorist  Financing  and  Shariah  requirements     includes regulatory compliance, Anti Money Laundering/

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