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                  Reviewed  and  endorsed  the  Corporate  Governance   INTERNAL AUDIT FUNCTION
                  Disclosure  for  inclusion  in  the  Bank’s  Annual  Report
                  FY2022.                                          Organisational
                  Reviewed  and  deliberated  on  the  internal  quality    Serving  as  an  unbiased  independent  assessor,  the  role  of
              6   assessment   review   reports,   including   the   the  Internal  Auditor  in  2023  is  not  only  pivotal  but
                  recommendations for Internal Audit improvement.  multifaceted.  In  a  fast-changing  landscape,  Internal  Audit
                                                                   has  demonstrated  the  integration,  transparency,  and  agility
                  Reviewed  the  ongoing  monitoring  and  measurement   approach in assessing the risk management, internal control,
              7   analyses  update  on  the  Internal  Audit  performance     and  governance  processes  of  the  Bank  that  together  prove
                  metrics and achievement.                         its continuing value to stakeholders.
                  Deliberated  with  the  external  auditor  the  results  of     The Internal Audit Division is led by Faidzuel Zain, the Chief
              8   the  audit  of  the  annual  financial  statements  for  the     Internal  Auditor,  appointed  in  October  2022.  He  holds  a
                  financial  year  ended  31  December  2022  and  the     Degree in Bachelor of Accountancy and has 23 years of audit
                  Report to the BAC.                               experience  in  the  banking  industry.  He  is  an  active  member
                                                                   of  the  Chief  Internal  Auditors  Networking  Group  (CIANG)
                  Reviewed  the  overall  performance  and  effectiveness     and holds Certification for Bank Auditors and Certified Credit
              9   of  the  external  auditor  for  the  period  from     Professional Business.
                  1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.
                                                                   Responsibility, Scope, and Methodology
                  Reviewed the re-appointment proposal of the external
              10  auditor  for  the  Company  and  recommended  the     The  Internal  Audit  activity  is  driven  by  the  Internal  Audit
                  re-appointment for Board approval.               Charter  and  its  function  is  governed  by  the  relevant
                                                                   regulatory  guidelines  and  the  International  Professional
                  Reviewed the Annual Audit Plan for the financial year     Practices  Framework  (IPPF)  of  the  Institute  of  Internal
                  ended 31 December 2023.                          Auditors (IIA).
                  Reviewed  and  endorsed  the  external  auditors’  scope
              12                                                   In  evaluating  the  effectiveness  of  the  Bank’s  internal  control
                  of work.                                         environment, Internal Audit continues to leverage the Internal
                                                                   Control-Integrated Framework (ICIF) issued by the Committee
                  Reviewed  and  endorsed  quarterly  unaudited  financial
              13                                                   of  Sponsoring  Organisations  of  the  Treadway  Commission
                  results of Bank Muamalat.
                                                                   (COSO)  in  2013.  This  COSO  ICIF  has  also  continue  been
                                                                   integrated  into  our  rating  methodology  which  generally
                  Reviewed  and  endorsed  the  Audited  financial
              14  statement  of  Bank  Muamalat  Group  for  the  financial   impacts  the  overall  audit  engagement  conclusion  and  forms
                                                                   part  of  delivering  the  result  of  the  engagement  to  the
                  year  ended  31  December  2022  and  agreed  that
                  the   financial   statements   were   prepared   in
                  accordance   with   the   relevant   standards   and
                                                                   We  perdure  engaging  with  the  stakeholders  in  performing
                  regulatory requirements as to give a true and fair view
                                                                   our  independent  risk  assessment  to  formulate  the
                  of the Group’s financial performance.
                                                                   Annual  Internal  Audit  Plan  for  2023  approved  by  the  BAC.
                  Reviewed  write  off  and  related  party  transactions    In  response  to  the  rapidly  changing  risk  landscape  and
              15  before  making  recommendations  to  the  Board  for   stakeholders’ demand, Internal Audit assessed risks periodically
                  approval.                                        and revised its 2023 Audit Plan.
                                                                   From  the  engagements  executed  throughout  the  year,
                                                                   Internal  Audit  communicated  the  results  through  the
                                                                   engagement  reports  to  Management  and  the  BAC,
                                                                   including  the  audit  issues,  associated  risks,  causes,
                                                                   recommendations,  and  Management’s  action  plans  for
                                                                   remediation  contributing  to  strengthening  the  overall
                                                                   control,  risk  and  governance  of  the  Bank.  Besides,

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