Page 172 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
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          BOARD AUDIT

          we  also  reported  the  outcome  of  the  investigation  and    development,   leveraging   technology,   and   fostering
          whistleblowing  engagements  conducted  to  the  relevant   collaboration  to  address  these  challenges  and  seize
          stakeholders.  Progress  of  outstanding  issues  and  action   opportunities  for  improvement  and  better  value-added
          plans  are  monitored  and  observed  through  the  Operational   towards the Bank’s transformation journey.
          Risk  Management  Committee  and  subsequently  presented
          to  the  BAC  monthly  to  ensure  remediation  plans  are
          timely  implemented.  Management  had  followed  through   KEY INTERNAL AUDIT ACTIVITIES
          on  its  commitments  and  accomplished  the  disposition  of    Key activities by Internal Audit in 2023 are as follows:
          outstanding issues highlighted within the committed deadlines.
                                                                      Developed  and  presented  to  the  BAC  a  risk-based
          To  enable  the  evaluation  of  the  Internal  Audit’s  activity’s   1
                                                                      Annual Audit Plan and its Revision for 2023.
          conformance  and  effectiveness,  we  continuously  maintained
          a  Quality  Assurance  and  Improvement  Programme  through     Conducted  and  completed  178  audit  engagements,
          both internal and external assessments. Internal assessments   2  12   investigations,   and   5   whistleblowing   and
          are  ongoing,  internal  evaluations  of  the  internal  audit    communicated  the  reports  to  the  BAC  and  other
          activity, coupled with periodic assessments. The assessments   applicable stakeholders.
          identified  opportunities  for  improvement  and  enhanced
          Internal  Audit  value  and  the  results  were  communicated    Presented  the  result  of  the  Chief  Internal  Auditor’s
          to  our  stakeholders.  Conversely,  Internal  Audit  must  obtain     Scorecard for the Financial Year 2022 to the BAC.
          an  external  assessment  at  least  every  five  years  by  an
                                                                      Presented  to  the  BAC  the  Internal  Audit  Annual
          independent  reviewer  outside  the  Bank  to  maintain
                                                                  4   Assertion that represents a leading practice approach
          conformance  with  the  IIA’s  Standards.  The  last  external
                                                                      in providing assurance to the BAC on our commitment
          assessment  was  conducted  in  2021  by  IIA  Malaysia  where
                                                                      to  conforming  to  the  Internal  Audit  Standards  and
          we  were  assessed  as  General  Conforms  to  the  Standards.
                                                                      Code of Ethics for the year 2022.
           The next external assessment will be due in 2026.
                                                                      Prepare  the  write-up  on  the  Internal  Audit  function
                                                                  5   and Whistleblowing for inclusion in the Bank’s Annual
          As  of  31  December  2023,  the  Internal  Audit  Division  had     Report 2022.
          a total of 40 auditors with diverse credentials, competencies,
                                                                      Conducted   and   communicated   the   ongoing
          and  experience.  67%  of  internal  auditors  have  obtained
                                                                  6   monitoring  and  periodic  internal  assessment  of
          at  least  1  certification  related  to  banking  and  audit,
                                                                      internal  audit  activity,  including  analyses  and
          compliance  and  AML/CFT,  technology  and  cybersecurity,
                                                                      information on the Internal Audit performance metrics
          and Shariah. Earning a professional certification is imperative
                                                                      to the BAC and other stakeholders.
          in  championing  knowledge  thereby  all  auditors  are
          encouraged  to  strive  for  professional  credentials  to
                                                                      Delivered  45  awareness  sessions  to  the  audited  units
          enhance their intellect.                                7   on   audit-related   concerns,   including   Shariah
                                                                      compliance  culture,  Muamalat  Ethics  Line  and
          Furthermore,  in  2023,  the  internal  auditors  had  attended
          various  internal  and  external,  physical  and  online  training   Whistleblowing,  AML/CFT,  common  and  recurring
          programs to equip them with the latest knowledge, foster skills   audit  issues,  and  summary  of  investigation  cases  to
          in a particular domain, and amplify job performance.        the  relevant  targeted  audience  alerting  them  of  the
                                                                      specific  concerns  and  suggesting  ways  to  overcome
          A total of RM 6.4 million was incurred on internal audit activity   or reduce these concerns.
          in 2023 consisting of personal, establishment, administration,
                                                                      Recommended 48 Managing for Value recommendations
          and general expenses.
                                                                  8   where all recommendations were implemented by the
          While  we  have  made  significant  progress  in  enhancing  our   respective owners.
          internal  audit  activity,  we  acknowledge  challenges  such  as
          resource  constraints  and  evolving  regulatory  requirements.
          Looking  ahead,  Internal  Audit  remains  committed  to
          expanding   our   competency   through   professional

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