Page 177 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 177


            RISK CULTURE                                           The Bank has established Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
                                                                   framework as part of initiatives in promoting a strong risk culture
            The  Bank  continues  to  enhance  and  strengthen  its  risk   that integrates risk management into significant activities and
            management  capability  by  reinforcing  and  embedding  a    functions.
            strong  risk  culture  throughout  the  organisation.  The  Board
            plays  an  active  role  in  establishing  and  maintaining  the
            Bank’s  risk  culture  through  continuous  emphasis  on  the    RISK APPETITE
            “tone  from  the  top”  and  holding  management  accountable
                                                                   The  risk  appetite  serves  as  a  foundation  and  reference
            for maintenance of high ethical standards and effective policies
                                                                   for the Bank’s aspired risk culture and is integral in providing
            and practices.
                                                                   the  necessary  guidance  and  parameters  for  all  business
            The  Bank  acknowledges  that  continuous  communication     and risk-taking activities and decision-making.
            of  its  core  values  and  sound  risk  practices  are  essential  in
            order  to  embed  a  robust  risk  culture  for  its  long-term   The  Bank  defines  its  risk  appetite  by  the  amount  and
            sustainability.  The  Management  is  therefore  committed  in   types  of  risk  that  it  is  willing  to  accept  in  pursuit  of  its
            driving the established risk and compliance programmes which   strategic  and  business  objectives.  The  Board  reviews  and
            include reinforcement of shared values, engagement sessions,   approves  the  Bank’s  risk  appetite  annually  and  is  kept
            e-learnings  and  roadshows.  Focus  is  on  fostering  a  strong   updated on its status on a monthly basis.
            and coherent risk culture among all staff and on building and
            sustaining long-term relationships with customers by enhancing   RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS
            customer  experience,  building  trust  and  increase  the  brand
            value of the Bank.                                     The  Bank  has  established  a  continuous  risk  management
                                                                   approach   that   facilitates   systematic   identification,
                                                                   measurement, control, and monitoring of risk exposures and
                                                                   produces  appropriate  and  accurate  risk  reporting  to  enable
                                                                   management to make informed risk decisions.

                                                   RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS

                1    IDENTIFY             2   ASSESS &             3    MITIGATE &            4   MONITOR &
               •  Identify and understand   •  Assess and measure   •  Establish quantitative   •  Monitor key risk
                 risks inherent in products   risk exposures in terms   and qualitative controls   indicators and early
                 and business activities.   of risk types, quantum,   to oversee and manage   warning signals to
               •  Identify emerging trends   impact severity, and    the identified risk      ensure that sufficient
                 and risks to ensure steps   occurrence probability   exposures.              and timely action are
                 are taken to minimise     as well as the short and   •  Implement risk       taken to mitigate any
                 Bank’s exposure.          long-term impact.         mitigation measures      potential risk.
                                          •  Implement quantitative   to minimise existing   •  Monitor potential
                                           and qualitative           risks or prevent new     impact to business
                                           risk measurement          or emerging risks from   strategies and propose
                                           approaches to measure     occurring.               corrective measures,
                                           and assess risks and                               where necessary.
                                           ensure the continual                              •  Report to the
                                           reassessment and                                   Management and Board
                                           identification of risks.                           level risk committees as
                                                                                              well as to the Board on a
                                                                                              regular basis.

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