Page 383 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 383
4.0 creDIT rIsK (generAl DIsclosure) (conT’D)
credit quality financing of customers (cont’d)
Financing of customers are analysed as follows: (cont’d.)
(i) neither past due nor impaired
Financing of customers which are neither past due nor impaired are identified into the following grades:
- “Good grade” refers to financing of customers which are neither past due nor impaired in the last six months and
have never undergone any rescheduling or restructuring exercise previously.
- “Satisfactory grade” refers to financing of customers which may have been past due but not impaired or impaired
during the last six months or have undergone a rescheduling or restructuring exercise previously.
(ii) Past due but not impaired
Past due but not impaired financing of customers refers to where the customer has failed to make a principal or profit
payment after the contractual due date for more than one day but less than three (3) months.
Aging analysis of past due but not impaired is as follows:
Table 12: Past due but not impaired
less than 1 - 2 >2 - 3
group and Bank 1 month months months Total
31 December 2021 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000
Term financing
- Home financing - 14,430 4,284 18,714
- Hire purchase receivables - 2,807 1,553 4,360
- Other term financing - 9,309 6,992 16,301
Other financing - 160 219 379
Total - 26,706 13,048 39,754
less than 1 - 2 >2 - 3
group and Bank 1 month months months Total
31 December 2020 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000
Term financing
- Home financing - 102,958 81,928 184,886
- Hire purchase receivables - 5,055 3,831 8,886
- Other term financing - 33,732 22,557 56,289
Other financing - 634 3,780 4,414
Total - 142,379 112,096 254,475