Page 367 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 367


            3.0   rIsK MAnAgeMenT (conT’D)

                 Risk Governance (cont’d)
                 The Board’s primary oversight role is to understand the risks undertaken by the Bank and ensure that these risks are properly
                 managed. While the Board is ultimately responsible for the Bank’s management of risks, it has entrusted the Board Risk
                 Management Committee (“BRMC”) to carry out specific risk management oversight functions on its behalf.
                 BRMC,  which  is  chaired  by  an  independent  director  of  the  Board,  is  a  board-level  committee  that  oversees  the  overall
                 management of risks and deliberates on risk-related issues and resolutions. The BRMC, acting on behalf of the Board, also
                 ensures that the appropriate processes, resources, policies and guidelines are in place to manage the Bank’s risks.
                 In addition, the Board is also supported by the Shariah Committee (“SC”), which was set up as an independent external body
                 to decide on Shariah issues and to simultaneously assist towards risk mitigation and compliance with the Shariah principles.
                 The execution of the board-approved risk strategies and policies is the responsibility of the Bank’s management and these
                 functions are also exercised under a committee structure. Heading the management-level risk committees is the Executive
                 Risk Management Committee (“ERMC”), which is chaired by the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”). The ERMC focuses on the
                 overall business strategies and the Bank’s day-to-day operations in respect of risk management.

                 Other management-level risk committees are set up to oversee specific risk areas and its related control functions as described

                 Table 6: risk committees & functions

                  committee                                  objective

                  Asset & liability working committee ("Alco")  To ensure that all strategies conform to the Bank’s risk appetite and
                                                             levels of exposure as determined by the BRMC. These include areas
                                                             of  capital  management,  funding  and  liquidity  management  and
                                                             market risk.
                  credit committee ("cc")                    To manage the direction of the Bank's financing exposures (business
                                                             and  consumer).  These  include  authority  to  decide  on  new  and/or
                                                             additional exposures and review the direction of existing exposure.
                  Investment committee ("Ic")                To  manage  the  Bank’s  investments  and  decide  on  new  and/or
                                                             additional investment in securities and/or other Treasury investment-
                                                             related activities.

                  operational risk Management committee      To ensure effective implementation of Operational Risk Management
                  ("orMc")                                   Framework.

                 A dedicated and independent Risk Management Department (“RMD”) supports the above committees by carrying out the
                 day-to-day risk management functions, drafting of risk-related policies and procedures, and providing reports, risk analyses
                 and recommendations for the Management’s and the Board’s decision-making.
                 The Bank’s risk governance structure is based on the principle that each line of business is responsible for managing the
                 risk  inherent  in  their  undertaken  business  activities.  The  line  managers  are  therefore  responsible  for  the  identification,
                 measurement and management of risks within their respective areas of responsibility.
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