Page 33 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 33


                                   Objective                What  We Did                      Achievements

             Continuous       Improve our         •  Enhanced the Bank’s risk appetite   •  Improved end-to-end consumer
             Process          processes and         statement (“RAS”) by further      product processes for home
             Improvement      products to provide   formulating and reviewing it to be    financing and personal financing
             and Shariah      more competitive      in tandem with the strategic,     products. This has reduced the
             Innovation       advantage.            capital and business planning. This    turnaround time to process the
                                                    is aimed at aligning risk appetite   applications.
                                                    with the Bank’s strategies and
                                                    financial resources.
                                                  •  Strengthened compliance measures
                                                    for AML/CFT as well as embedded a
                                                    strong compliance culture.
                                                  •  Expanded the Robotic Process
                                                    Automation (“RPA”) pilot that was
                                                    implemented in the preceding
                                                    year as part of the commitment to
                                                    continuously improve and automate
                                                    operational services, especially in
                                                    processing tasks that are repetitive
                                                    and time consuming in nature.

             Talent           Develop leaders and   •  Strengthened employees'      •  Launched a remotely accessible HR
             Management       talent that support   performance and change in         system that allows employees to
                              the growth of the     behaviour towards driving high    manage their training and access
                              Bank.                 performance culture in the Bank.  their details like payroll information,
                                                  •  Ensured ample training programmes   benefits and leave entitlement.
                                                    for upskilling and reskilling   •  Employees participated in a total
                                                    employees.                        of 153,367 training hours during
                                                                                      the year as compared to 135,843
                                                                                      training hours in FY2020.
             Value-Based      Expand financing that   •  Increased penetration on the   •  Disbursement linked to VBI
             Financing        is considered to be   Government initiatives, especially on   objectives made up 31% of new
             (overarching the   value-based.        the B50 segment.                  disbursement for retail financing for
             SFAs)                                •  Accelerated financing programmes   the year.
                                                    on education, debt restructuring and
                                                    the health sector.
                                                  •  Explored financing on environment
                                                    preservation like financing of the
                                                    hybrid cars.
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