Page 34 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 34

                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE


                                                  RISE26+ elucidates five aspirations in transforming Bank Muamalat to be the
                                                  Islamic bank for all in the future. Through this plan, Bank Muamalat commits
             RISE26+ elucidates                   to deliver sustainable shareholders’ returns directed by a clear set of  targets
                                                  in  the  next  five  years.  The  Bank  also  aims  to  be  an  Islamic  bank  for  all  by
             five aspirations in                  further  diversifying  the  customer  base  via  new  market  growth,  penetrating
             transforming Bank                    niche segments and broadening geographical reach. Further, the Bank intends
                                                  to  realise  next  generation  capabilities  and  agile  banking  by  accelerating
             Muamalat to be the                   digitalisation  across  all  businesses  and  operations.  In  transforming  the  Bank
             Islamic bank for all in              into a high performing organisation, we empower our employees by adopting a
                                                  new  desired    culture  that  involves  enhanced  digital  skills,  prudent  risk
             the future.                          consciousness  and  values-driven  decision  making.  A  greater  emphasis  on

                                                  broadening and deepening our sustainability efforts will underscore all these
                                                  efforts  as  the  Bank  aspires  to  continue  to  promote  VBI  and  sustainability
                                                  by  institutionalising  and  contributing  to  social  finance  and  community
          Underpinned  by  RISE24,  Bank  Muamalat's
                                                  After  weathering  the  pandemic  on  a  strong  footing  and    with  positive
          outlook  for  the  future  has  been  curated  via
                                                  momentum,  we  are  confident  of  progressing    on  these  aspirations.  This  will
          a  new  5-Year  Strategic  Business  Plan  called
                                                  be  achieved  via  eight  strategic  thrusts,  namely:  Accelerate  Business  Growth,
          RISE26+,  which  is  to  be  implemented  from
                                                  Enable  Islamic  Banking  For  All,  Drive  Sustainability,  Customer  Centricity,
          2022  to  2026,  and  developed  based  on
                                                  Innovation,  Operational  Efficiency,  Strengthening  our  Foundation,  and  High
          the  latest  government  policies,  regulatory
                                                  Performing Organisation.
          requirements,   market   intelligence   and
          burgeoning business opportunities.
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