Page 32 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
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                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE


                                Objective                 What  We Did                     Achievements

           Digital         Create a digital    •  Upgraded our retail internet banking   •  Good progress was made on digital
           Transformation  economy through       and mobile apps.                  on-boarding via the Muamalat
                           various collaborations    •  Introduced digital platform and   Application Platform ("MAP").
                           and automate internal   online services to ensure ease of   There was overwhelming response
                           processes towards     banking transactions for customers.  with more than 10,000 applications
                           operational excellence                                  received via MAP as at December
                                               •  Began to expand Robotic Process
                           and process                                             2021.
                                                 Automation (“RPA”) as part of
                           improvements.                                          •  Introduced Online Deposit Account
                                                 the commitment to continuously
                                                 improve and automate the Bank’s   ("ODA") application to reduce
                                                 operational service, especially in   waiting time. When opening deposit
                                                 processing tasks that are repetitive   accounts using ODA, customers’
                                                 and time consuming in nature.     info are pre-filled ahead of their
                                                                                   visit to the branch for faster account
                                                                                  •  Collaborated with Amanah Warisan
                                                                                   Berhad (“AWARIS”) to introduce
                                                                                   Digital Will Writing service. The
                                                                                   various legacy planning services
                                                                                   offered include Islamic will writing,
                                                                                   declaration of Hibah, unit trusts and
                                                                                   estate administration.

           Data            Optimise data       •  Continuously implemented the    •  Commission of Big Data Analytics
           Monetisation    analytics to generate   3-year Data Management Roadmap   platform - Data Lake, Data
                           income and ensure     plan towards developing an effective   Warehouse.
                           cost efficiency.      data management platform.        •  Establishment of Data Governance
                                               •  Updated and enhanced policies on   Framework.
                                                 data governance and data quality.  •  Established CISO office to enhance
                                                                                   regulatory and cybersecurity
                                                                                   compliance via Technology Risk
                                                                                   Management Framework (“TRMF”)
                                                                                   and Cyber Resilience Framework

           Infrastructure  Enhance infrastructure   •  Enhancement of IT infrastructure.  •  Established operations helpdesk
                           for efficient service                                   for effective communication with
                           delivery and                                            branches.
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