Page 328 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 328

326      bank MuaMalat Malaysia berhaD
                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          31 DECEMbEr 2021 (26  JAMADIL AwAL 1443H)

          46.  fINANcIAL RIsk MANAGeMeNT OBJecTIves AND POLIcIes (cONT’D.)

              (c)   Liquidity and funding risk (cont’d.)
                   (i)   Maturity  analysis  of  assets,  liabilities,  commitments  and  contingencies  based  on  remaining  contractual
                       maturity: (cont’d.)
                                                 up  to      >7  Days  -       >1-3       >3-6       >6-12       >1  year
                       Bank                    7  Days      1  Month       Months       Months       Months       Months       Total
                       2020                   RM’000       RM’000       RM’000       RM’000       RM’000       RM’000       RM’000

                       Cash  and  short-term
                         funds                 2,369,462      563,710       -       -         -         -      2,933,172
                       Cash  and  placements
                         with  financial
                         institution                  -        -       30,417       -         -         -       30,417
                       Financial investments
                         designated  at  fair  value
                         through  profit  and  loss     -       -        -       12,176       -       301,161       313,337
                       Financial assets at
                         fair  value  through
                         other comprehensive
                         income                       -      149,868       635,472       131,976       123,899      2,755,283      3,796,498
                       Financial assets at
                           amortised  cost            -        -         -         -          -       105,544       105,544
                       Islamic  derivative
                           financial  assets       6,746      20,059       7,580       12,516       919       -       47,820
                       Financing  of  customers       59,498      665,038      1,286,412      1,121,802      1,898,467     13,078,985     18,110,202
                       Other  assets                  3      646         -         -       111,198       316,522       428,369

                       total  assets           2,435,709     1,399,321      1,959,881      1,278,470      2,134,483     16,557,495     25,765,359

                       Deposits  from  customers      9,514,409     4,670,742      3,232,737      2,894,773       725,772       475,725     21,514,158
                       Deposits  and  placements
                         of  banks  and  other
                         financial  institutions       -      25        28       283       485       97,525       98,346
                       Bills  and  acceptances
                         payable                      -        -       6,310       -          -         -       6,310
                       Islamic  derivative
                         financial  liabilities       3,772      24,734       19,277       11,827       208       107,516       167,334
                       Other  liabilities             -      23,865       5,367       1,305       76,167       32,494       139,198
                       Recourse  obligation
                         on  financing  sold  to
                         Cagamas  Berhad             -         -         -         -          -       444,141       444,141
                       Subordinated  sukuk            -        -         -       250,642       -        -       250,642
                       Senior  sukuk                 -         -         -       2,811       499,881       -       502,692

                       Total  liabilities       9,518,181     4,719,366      3,263,719      3,161,641      1,302,513      1,157,401     23,122,821
                       Net  maturity  mismatch      (7,082,472)    (3,320,045)    (1,303,838)    (1,883,171)     831,970     15,400,094      2,642,538
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