Page 25 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 25


            A  significant  step  up  has  been  the   of all stakeholders. We intend to embed a transformative culture by aligning
            implementation   of   the   Integrity   and   and  optimising  our  resources  in  people,  processes  and  technology  to
            Governance  Unit  as  a  dedicated  function  to   strengthen service delivery gaps and step up operational excellence.
            oversee  the  Bank’s  overall  anti-corruption
                                                     At  the  core  of  this  transformation  journey  are  our  employees.  To  become  a
            efforts  and  enhance  integrity  as  well  as
                                                     high performing organisation, talent management and leadership development
            promote good workplace conduct.
                                                     initiatives will continue to be implemented to enhance workforce productivity
            The Journey Ahead                        and capability in this new banking landscape.
            After  weathering  the  pandemic  on  a  strong
                                                     GRATITUDE & APPRECIATION
            footing, Bank Muamalat anticipates a better
            performance  for  2022,  arising  from  the
                                                     The commendable growth we achieved amidst a challenging year was made
            positive momentum in 2021 and coupled with
                                                     possible  by  the  efforts  and  commitment  from  the  Board  members,  the
            enhanced digital and technology capabilities.
                                                     management and the staff. Working towards a better tomorrow, they displayed
            However, the past year has underscored the
                                                     sterling teamwork in the face of prolonged hardship and tough competition. It is
            importance of being ready to respond swiftly
                                                     a testament that we are indeed one team with one direction, with the capability
            and effectively to emerging risks.
                                                     to drive positive change in the Islamic banking industry landscape.
            In tandem with the new market developments
                                                     On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank the government and Bank Negara
            and  trends,  revisions  to  the  Bank’s  5-Year
                                                     Malaysia (“BNM”) for their continued commitment and collaborative efforts in
            Strategic Plan has been made to stay relevant
                                                     instilling sustainable, value-based drivers within the industry. Our appreciation
            and  competitive  in  the  industry.  Building
                                                     also extends to our stakeholders, customers, associates and partners,
            on  the  foundation  of  RISE24,  the  RISE26+
                                                     with whom we have forged a resilient ecosystem through mutual gains.
            strategy plan has been formulated and will be
            executed from year 2022 until 2026.      There  were  several  changes  in  our  Board's  composition  during  the  year.
                                                     En  Ghazali  Haji  Darman,  who  has  served  the  Board  since  January  2017,
            Through  RISE26+  the  way  forward  will
                                                     retired.  We  have  since  welcomed  two  new  members,  En  Mohd  Razlan
            continue to encompass a commitment to
                                                     Mohamed  and  Puan  Roshidah  Abdullah  who  joined  as  new  independent
            deliver  sustainable  shareholder’s  return;
                                                     non-executive directors on 1 September 2021. They bring vast expertise and
            enhance   customer   experience;   ensure
                                                     fresh perspectives for progressive growth.
            adequate  risk,  compliance  and  governance
            practices; future proof the business; cultivate   Finally, my appreciation goes out to members of the Board for their invaluable
            high performance; and drive sustainability.  support  and  counsel,  as  well  as  to  the  PCEO,  Senior  Management  and  staff
                                                     of Bank Muamalat, for their exemplary hard work and team spirit in ensuring
            Aligned  to  these  strategic  objectives,  the
                                                     sustainable growth for all our stakeholders.
            Board’s priorities for FY2022 are centered on
            business  growth  and  transformation.  While
            risk,  compliance  and  governance  issues
            will  continue  to  be  a  priority  to  enhance   Thank you.
            the  Bank’s  overall  operating  condition,  we
            will  be  driving  business  profit  by  raising  the
            bar  for  better  performance  to  improve  the     Tan Sri Tajuddin Atan
            Bank's bottom line and top line numbers.  Chairman
            Stepping out of our comfort zone, we seek to
            drive  performance  and  push  the  boundaries
            through innovation to meet the current needs
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