Page 24 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 24

                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE


                                                  Committing to Sustainability

             A significant step                   Besides the expansion into the digital arena, the Bank is building stakeholders’
                                                  confidence  and  sustainable  value  through  continued  commitment  to  the
             up has been the                      adoption of Value-Based Intermediation (“VBI”) initiatives which has led to a
             implementation of                    growing focus on green financing and social finance.
             the Integrity and                    A total of RM11,045 million or 53% of the Bank's total outstanding financing in

             Governance Unit as                   FY2021 was recognised as having a direct impact on the economy, society and
                                                  the environment.
             a dedicated function
                                                  With the current changing landscape that focuses further on climate change,
             to oversee the                       we  are  also  looking  at  the  adoption  of  Climate  Change  and  Principle-based
             Bank’s overall anti-                 Taxonomy ("CCPT") as part of the Bank's role to manage customers' transition
                                                  towards more sustainable practices in their business operations.
             corruption efforts
             and enhance integrity                Another innovative breakthrough on the social finance front was the launch of
                                                  iTEKAD Mawaddah – an equity based investment that incorporates the Shariah
             as well as promoting                 innovation  of  two-tier  Mudarabah,  the  first  of  its  kind  in  Malaysia.  Through
             good workplace                       iTEKAD  Mawaddah,  the  Bank  will  source  funds  from  investors  to  invest  in
                                                  businesses  owned  by  B40  (bottom  40%  of  the  Malaysian  household  income
             conduct.                             category)  individuals  and  micro-entrepreneurs.  Targeted  industries  for  this
                                                  investment include food and beverage (“F&B”), agriculture and the gig economy.

                                                  Upholding Governance, Integrity and Risk Management

                                                  At  the  Board  of  Directors’  level,  we  continue  to  uphold  strong  corporate
                                                  governance policies and practices to promote corporate integrity, accountability
                                                  and  transparency.  Our  efforts  are  guided  by  Islamic  Financial  Services
                                                  Act 2013, Companies Act 2016 and Policy Document on Shariah Governance.
             2021 New Launches:
             Online Deposit                       The  Board’s  commitment  to  good  governance  is  reflected  in  the  diversity  of
                                                  age and experience of our members as we strive to bring on board directors
             Account Application                  with the right experience and fit with the Board’s needs. We uphold women
             (“ODA”)                              representation  at  Board  level  and,  in  line  with  Bank  Negara  Malaysia’s
                                                  guidelines, a majority of five out of eight of our board members are independent.
                                                  In 2021, the Board continued to closely monitor our risks, by conducting risk
             iTEKAD Mawaddah –                    assessment on a more continuous basis and adjusting risk appetite, changing
             a Shariah innovation which is an equity based
             investment and the first of its kind in Malaysia  controls  and  strategising  plans  to  address  vulnerabilities  in  markets  such  as
                                                  impacts  of  technological  disruption,  changes  in  customer  sentiments  and
                                                  evolving regulatory requirements. We reviewed the risk assessment processes
                                                  and  risk  appetite  considerations  in  addressing  the  shifting  market  and
                                                  regulatory  developments.  Enhancements  to  the  Enterprise  Risk  Management
                                                  (“ERM”)  Framework  and  product  development  processes  related  to
                                                  outsourcing and other relevant regulatory requirement were also implemented
                                                  during the year.
                                                  We also noted the new update in the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance
                                                  (“MCCG”) that highlighted the integration of sustainability considerations into
                                                  strategies  were  prudently  aligned  with  our  commitment  to  strengthen  our
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