Page 100 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
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                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE


          TRAINING AND EDUCATION                                Shariah Knowledge

          Training  is  a  core  priority  at  the  Bank  as  it  directly  impacts   As  part  of  the  initiatives  towards  enhancing  the  frontliners
          productivity  and  quality  of  work.  As  a  financial  institution,   competencies  and  to  equip  our  employees  with  skills  and
          regular  training  is  required  to  fulfil  recommendations  by   knowledge in Islamic Finance, IBFIM’s Associate Qualification
          regulatory  bodies,  adhere  to  required  compliances  and  to   in  Islamic  Finance  (AQIF)  and  Intermediate  Qualification  in
          ensure employees in the financial industry are well trained and   Islamic Finance (IQIF) certifications are identified for the BMs
          well  versed  with  all  different  financial  acts.  For  employees,   and  ABMs.  The  programmes  have  been  internally  organised
          a  rigorous  training  programme  leads  to  increased  job     with the collaboration of IBFIM. AQIF consists of five modules
          satisfaction and morale and builds individual capabilities and   focuses on the required foundation knowledge in Shariah and
          motivation to seek greater efficiencies in processes and adopt   the applied Shariah contracts in Islamic finance products and
          new  technologies  and  methods.  Training  programmes  for     operations.  IQIF  consists  of  ten  modules  emphasis  on  the
          the year focused on skills management and lifelong learning     application of concepts to practical aspects of Islamic banking
          to enhance the potential and capabilities of our employees.  operations.  20%  of  the  groups  have  started  the  programme
                                                                in  November  2021  and  registration  will  be  continued
          All  employees  participated  in  a  total  of  153,367  training   progressively.
          hours  during  the  year  (FY2020:  135,843  training  hours).
          Average  training  hours  ranged  from  66  hours  per  employee   Talent Development & Succession Planning
          for  Executive  level  personnel  to  44  hours  per  employee  for
                                                                The Executive Leadership-MBA programme which commenced
          those at Management level. Both technical and non-technical
                                                                in  November  2020,  was  offered  to  10  identified  talents  in
          programmes were offered to encompass functional as well as
                                                                managerial roles from Business and Support functions to further
          soft skills.
                                                                groom  and  develop  them  as  part  of  the  Bank’s  succession
          On average, there was a 100% increase of training     planning and talent retention strategy.
          programmes in FY2021 from FY2020, with the average
                                                                In 2021, participants of Cohort 2 of the Executive Leadership-MBA
          percentage of participation for all categories of programmes
                                                                programme  have  successfully  completed  their  Certified
          rising by 90%. Higher average training hours were due to
                                                                Professional in Islamic Finance (CPIF), by INCEIF, which is part
          the Online Learning implemented during the year, which
                                                                of  the  MBA  module.  Cohort  2  is  scheduled  to  graduate  in
          not only saw an increase in the level of participation but
                                                                the fourth quarter of 2022. Moving forward, the ELP may be
          also reduced the cost of training. As for the effectiveness of
                                                                expanded  to  include  other  short  Leadership  and  Managerial
          the training, each participant was measured through a pre
                                                                programmes to nurture a sustainable talent pool for the Bank,
          and post assessment as well as an audit report, amongst
                                                                and provide successors for Key and Critical (OMRT) positions.
          other measures.
           Further details and breakdowns are available in our Data to Support
           Material Matters segment from page 101
   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105