Page 408 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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406    BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020

          BASEL II
          PILLAr 3 DISCLOSurE

          8.2   DISCLOSurE FOr EquITIES
              The classification of equity investments must be made at the point of transaction. Equities are classified under the banking book
              when they are acquired and held for yield or capital growth purposes.

              The Bank also engages in direct acquisition of newly-listed quoted shares. As stipulated under the TBPS, these investments are
              considered under the trading position with the exception of investments in subsidiaries and associates which would require
              BNM’s prior approval. Equities held under the trading book position are subject to market risk capital charge as specified in the

              The oversight and supervision of investments in equities and equity funds resides within the Investment Committee’s (“IC”)
              authority. This covers decisions on purchase and sale of stocks and ongoing review and monitoring of performance.
              Table 22: Equity exposures

              Group and Bank
              31 December 2020

                                                                                               risk     unrealised
                                                                          Gross Credit     weighted          Gain/
              Publicly Traded                                                Exposure         Assets       (Losses)
                                                                               rM’000        rM’000        rM’000

              Investment in Unit Trust Funds
              Investment in Quoted Shares                                      105,537        105,537       (37,772)
              Total                                                            105,537        105,537       (37,772)

              Cumulative realised gains arising from sales and
                liquidations in the reporting period                                                         9,583

              Group and Bank
              31 December 2019
                                                                                               risk     unrealised
                                                                          Gross Credit     weighted          Gain/
              Publicly Traded                                                Exposure         Assets       (Losses)
                                                                               rM’000        rM’000        rM’000
              Investment in Unit Trust Funds
              Investment in Quoted Shares                                      104,077        104,077       (28,216)

              Total                                                            104,077        104,077       (28,216)

              Cumulative realised gains arising from sales and
                liquidations in the reporting period                                                         1,051
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