Page 410 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 410

408    BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020

          BASEL II
          PILLAr 3 DISCLOSurE

          8.3   DISCLOSurE FOr rATE OF rETurN rISk IN BANkING BOOk (“rOrBB”) (CONT’D)
              rate of return risk Measurement (cont’d)

              Table 24: Sensitivity analysis of rate of return risk
              The increase or decline in earnings and economic value for upwards and downward rate shocks which are consistent with
              shocks applied in the stress test for measuring:

                                                                       Group                        Bank
                                                               -50 Basis     +50 Basis      -50 Basis    +50 Basis
              Increase/(decrease) in basis points                 Points        Points        Points        Points
                                                                  rM’000        rM’000        rM’000        rM’000

              Impact on Earnings:
              31 December 2020
              MYR                                                (21,994)       21,994        (21,937)       21,937
              USD                                                  1,851         (1,851)       1,851         (1,851)
              Others*                                                35            (35)           35           (35)
              31 December 2019
              MYR                                                 (8,360)        8,360         (8,360)       8,360
              USD                                                  1,587         (1,587)       1,587         (1,587)
              Others*                                                37            (37)           37           (37)
              Impact on Equity:

              31 December 2020
              MYR                                                (30,292)       30,292        (30,284)       30,284
              USD                                                   417           (417)          417          (417)
              Others*                                                63            (63)           63           (63)
              31 December 2019
              MYR                                                (51,189)       51,189        (51,189)       51,189
              USD                                                   376           (376)          376          (376)
              Others*                                                36            (36)           36           (36)

              *   Inclusive of AUD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY and other currencies.
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