Page 90 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
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                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE


                                                        During  the  year  the  following  instances  demonstrated  the  Bank’s
                                                        proactive favouring of VBI aligned vendors:
             Number of proposals
                                                        1.   Employed Koputra Property Care (“KPC”) as our cleaning services
             that went through digital
                                                           company, whereby KPC was favoured for employing cleaners from
             procurement increased from                    disadvantaged backgrounds, such as single mothers and people with
             74% in 2019 to 78% in 2021.
                                                        2.    For  Raya  packets,  we  continued  to  use  recycled  paper  and
                                                           environmentally  friendly  ink,  in  this  case  soy  ink,  for  printing  the
                                                        Annual Vendor Performance Review
          Fair Treatment of Vendors
                                                        When  choosing  vendors,  a  strong  partnership  approach  is  used  to
          The  Bank’s  procurement  practices  are  consistently
                                                        fully optimise achievements of goals and expectations which will lead
          evaluated  to  ensure  fair  dealings  and  transparency
                                                        to  long-term  relationship  building.  To  achieve  better  synergy  with
          in  the  process.  The  Bank’s  Regulatory  Advisory  &
                                                        suppliers,  an  annual  Vendor  Performance  Evaluation  is  conducted  to
          Compliance Division (“RACD”) has been maintained as
                                                        ensure  the  vendors  will  continuously  deliver  the  subscribed  services
          a member of the tender committee (for Non-IT related
                                                        efficiently.  Poor  performing  vendors  are  advised  to  improve  on  their
          only) to ensure that all regulations are being adhered
                                                        respective performance. For FY2021, we have achieved 100% review and
          to in terms of Fair Treatment of Financial Consumers
                                                        poor performing vendors will be advised to close their service gap by
          (“FTFC”) & Outsourcing. In 2021, we have increased
                                                        improving their performance.
          the transparency of the vendor onboarding process
          by  implementing  a  digital  procurement  system.
          This  has  the  additional  benefit  of  being  more  cost   ETHICS AND INTEGRITY
          effective and environmentally sound, as the process
                                                        Ensuring a corruption-free business
          uses less paper and without the need for vendors to
          travel, there is less carbon emission.        Bank Muamalat is committed to the highest standards of governance,
                                                        ethics and integrity. We ensure established and comprehensive internal
          Number  of  proposals  that  went  through  digital
                                                        and external risk management processes, policies and frameworks are in
          procurement increased from 74% in 2019 to 78% in
                                                        place to continuously deliver and sustain the Bank’s value propositions.
                                                        The  Bank  commits  to  adopt  a  “zero  tolerance”  approach  against  all
          Prioritise sustainable practices
                                                        forms of bribery and corruption pursuant to the Guideline on Adequate
          To ensure our sustainable policies are adopted within   Procedure of Section 17A Corporate Liability (Amendment 2018) MACC
          the procurement process, employees are trained to   Act 2009. The Guidelines lay out the principles through the acronym of
          meticulously  evaluate  the  vendors  to  ensure  their   “T.R.U.S.T.” that can be applied by the Bank to ensure that the Bank has
          business practices are aligned with our values. Prior   a defence in the event an offence is committed.
          to  their  appointment,  we  undertake  a  thorough
          evaluation  of  prospective  vendors,  and  prioritise
          vendors  who  are  local  and  practice  sustainability
          aspects.  These  include  vendors  that  empower   “T.R.U.S.T.” (T – Top Level Commitment,
          communities  such  as  people  with  disabilities   R – Risk Assessment, U – Undertake
          and  single  mothers,  local  vendors  who  may  have
          operations  in  rural  areas,  and  vendors  who  adopt   Control Measures, S – Systematic Review,
          environmental initiatives.                        Monitoring and Enforcement, T – Training
                                                            and Communication).
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