Page 86 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 86

                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE


                                                                                    SDG 8.1
                                                                                    Sustaining per capita economic
                                                                                    growth in accordance with
                                                                                    national circumstances
                                                                                    SDG 16.5
                                                                                    Substantially reducing corruption
                                                                                    and bribery in all their forms


          ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE                                  ENTREPRENEUR DEVELOPMENT
          FY2021  continued  to  be  impacted  by  COVID-19  lockdowns,   With  the  COVID-19  pandemic  radically  impacting  demand,
          which resulted in delayed, and slower than expected economic   buying  patterns  and  disrupted  businesses,  the  Bank  works
          recovery.  Within  this  environment,  Bank  Muamalat  has   to  support  the  Government’s  agenda  to  boost  micro,  small
          remained  resilient  and  adept  at  harnessing  opportunities.   and  medium  entrepreneurships  (“SMEs”),  with  the  goal  of
          The Bank achieved a record profit before zakat and taxation   meeting  the  target  for  SMEs  to  contribute  50%  to  GDP  by
          (“PBZT”) of RM256.6 million amidst growth of 46.8 per cent   2030. Continuous support of BNM’s initiatives include financial
          and improved asset quality.                           assistance and micro financing.

          The economic values generated, retained and distributed by   Government Guarantee Schemes have been vastly utilised by
          the Bank for the year ended 31 December 2021 are as follows:  many SMEs in all industries such as in manufacturing, services,
                                                                retail  and  trade.  To  date,  more  than  RM47  billion  worth  of
                                                                guarantees  have  been  provided  to  over  45,000  SMEs  and
                                                                these have helped sustain their business especially during the
                                                                lockdown periods, as well as provide them with some financial
                                                                reserves for working capital needs to move forward during this
             Economic value   Economic value   Economic value   economic recovery phase.
             generated        distributed      retained
             RM1.1            RM828.3          RM310.7          Starting  January  2021,  Bank  Muamalat  participated  in  the
                                                                Targeted Relief and Recovery Financing (“TRRF”), a government
             billion          million          million          assistance financing facility under Bank Negara Malaysia Fund
                                                                (“BNM  Fund”)  that  had  been  introduced  after  the  Special
                                                                Relief Fund (“SRF”) was unveiled in 2020. Bank Muamalat is
           Further details of our financial performance can be found on page 27

          (a)  Refers to the revenues and other income generated by the Bank
          (b)  Refers to operating costs, employee wages, payments to providers of capital, payments to Government and community investments
          (c)  Refers to Economic Value Generated minus Economic Value Distributed
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