Page 412 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 412

                                                                  OUR LEADERSHIP
                                                   ABOUT US
                                                                                                    OUR PERFORMANCE
                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRA TEGY   OUR PERFORMANCE
                                                                                    OUR STRATEGY
          BASEL II

          8.3  DIsclosure for rATe of reTurn rIsK In BAnKIng BooK (“rorBB”)

              rate of return risk (“ror”) Management
              Rate  of  return  risk  refers  to  the  variability  of  the  Bank’s  assets  and  liabilities  resulting  from  the  volatility  of  the  market
              benchmark rates, both in the trading and banking books. The Bank actively manages the following risks:
              Table 22: rate of return risks

               risk                              Definition

               repricing risk                    Timing differences in the maturity and repricing of the Bank’s assets and liabilities
               yield curve risk                  Unanticipated yield curve shifts that has adverse impact on the Bank’s income
                                                 and economic values
               Basis risk                        Arises from imperfect correlation in the adjustment of rates earned and paid on
                                                 different instruments with otherwise similar repricing characteristics
               optionality/embedded option risk  The  risk  arising  from  options  embedded  in  the  Bank’s  assets,  liabilities  and
                                                 off-balance sheet portfolio

              rate of return risk Measurement
              The Bank measures various parallel rate shocks scenarios (up to 100 basis points as per Basel II recommendations) and its
              impact on earnings and equities by assessing key assumptions which incorporates the Bank’s balance sheet profile, business
              strategies, economic outlook and behavioural analysis of non-maturity deposits. Among the various analyses that are carried
              out are:

              1.    earning at risk (“ear”)
                   The focus of this analysis is more on the impact of changes in rate of return on accrual or reported earnings. Variation in
                   earnings such as reduced earnings or outright losses can threaten the financial stability of the Bank by undermining its
                   capital adequacy and reducing market confidence.
              2.    economic value of equity (“eve”)

                   Economic value of a bank can be viewed as the present value of the Bank’s expected net repricing balance weighted
                   by duration, which can be defined as the expected repricing balance on assets minus the expected repricing balance
                   on liabilities plus the expected net repricing balance on off-balance-sheet position. The sensitivity of a bank’s economic
                   value to fluctuation in rate of return is particularly an important consideration of shareholders and management.
              3.   value at risk (“var”)

                   VaR approach is used to estimate the maximum potential loss of the investment portfolio over a specified time.
              4.   repricing gap Analysis

                   Repricing gap analysis measures the difference or gap between the absolute value of rate of return sensitive assets
                   and rate of return sensitive liabilities, which are expected to experience changes in contractual rates (repriced) over the
                   residual maturity period or on maturity.
              5.   other risk Assessment
                   Simulation analysis is used to evaluate the impact of possible decisions that includes assessment on product pricing,
                   new product introduction, derivatives and hedging strategies, changes in the asset-liability mix and short term funding
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