Page 342 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 342

340      bank MuaMalat Malaysia berhaD
                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          31 DECEMbEr 2021 (26  JAMADIL AwAL 1443H)

          50.  cAPITAL ADeQuAcy (cONT’D.)

              (a)   The core capital ratios and risk-weighted capital ratios of the Group are as follows: (cont’d.)
                                                                                                2021          2020
                                                                                              rM’000        rM’000

                   computation  of  capital  ratios
                   Tier-I  capital
                   Share capital                                                             1,195,000           1,195,000
                   Retained  profits                                                         1,569,073         1,392,969

                   Other  Reserves
                   Regulatory  reserve                                                        28,079         45,411
                   FVOCI  reserve                                                              (40,014)       18,240
                   Foreign  exchange  translation  reserve                                       649          (968)

                   Less:  Regulatory  Adjustment
                   Deferred  tax  assets                                                       (58,170)     (39,422)
                   Investment  property  gain                                                   (8,171)     (7,496)
                   Regulatory  reserve                                                         (28,079)     (45,411)
                   FVOCI  reserve                                                                  -        (10,032)
                   Cumulative  gains  of  financing  measured  at  FVTPL                     (19,354)            -
                   Intangible  asset  (net  of  deferred  tax  liabilities)                   (61,002)     (14,293)

                   Total  common  equity  Tier-I  capital                                    2,578,011           2,533,998

                   Total  Tier-I  capital                                                    2,578,011         2,533,998

                   Tier-II  capital
                   Subordinated  sukuk                                                        500,000           250,000
                   Loss  provision  and  regulatory  reserve*                                 180,990           150,659
                   Add:  Investment  property  gain                                            3,677          3,373
                   Total  Tier-II  capital                                                   684,667           404,032

                   Total  capital  Base                                                     3,262,678         2,938,030

                   Ratio  (%)
                   CET  1  Capital                                                          13.708%       15.486%
                   Tier  1  Capital                                                         13.708%       15.486%
                   Total  Capital                                                           17.349%       17.955%

                   *   Tier 2 Capital comprise collective allowance on non-impaired financing customers and regulatory reserve.
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