Page 338 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 338

336      bank MuaMalat Malaysia berhaD
                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          31 DECEMbEr 2021 (26  JAMADIL AwAL 1443H)

          47.  fAIR vALue MeAsuReMeNTs (cONT’D.)

              (b)  financial instruments not carried at fair value
                   The estimated fair values of those on-balance sheet financial assets and financial liabilities as at the reporting date
                   approximate their carrying amounts as shown in the statement of financial position, except for the financial assets and
                   liabilities as disclosed below.
                                                                                                Total       carrying
                                                   Level  1       Level  2       Level  3       fair  value       Amount
                   Group                           RM’000        RM’000        RM’000         RM’000        RM’000

                   financial  assets
                   Financial investments at
                    amortised cost                        -       190,974             -       190,974       107,109
                   Financing  of  customers               -       13,450,636       6,523,235       19,973,871       20,671,306

                   financial  liabilities
                   Deposits  from  customers              -       2,541,205       20,597,965       23,139,170       23,113,166
                   Deposits  and  placements
                    of  banks  and  other
                    financial  institutions               -            -         2,508         2,508          2,520
                   Subordinated  sukuk                    -       497,013             -       497,013       499,876

                   financial  assets
                   Financial investments at
                    amortised  cost                       -       186,424             -       186,424       105,544
                   Financing  of  customers              -       11,020,267       6,090,278       17,110,545       18,115,817

                   financial  liabilities
                   Deposits  from  customers             -       2,410,018       19,094,629       21,504,647       21,501,366
                   Deposits  and  placements
                       of  banks  and  other
                       financial  institutions          -              -          3,863         3,863         3,885
                   Subordinated  sukuk                    -       252,595             -       252,595       250,642
                   Senior  sukuk                         -       509,481              -       509,481       502,692
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