Page 235 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 235


                                  Total   RM’000   933,807     368,285     564,773   749   749     749     749     -       -      39.44%  60.48%   0.08%  100.00%   Total   RM’000   -     1,475,122    -     1,474,578    544    -       544    -       -         -      99.96%   -      0.04%   -      100.00%   -

                           Non-Retail customers as at 31 December 2021   corporates   stage 2  stage 1   stage 2   RM’000   RM’000   RM’000    78,603    780,528     94     27,921    278,485     -       49,933    502,043     94     -       -       -       -       -       -      35.52%   35.68%    -      63.53%   64.32%   100.00%   0.95%    -       -      100.00%   100.00%   100.00%   Non-Retail customers as at 31 December 2020   corporates   stage 2  stage 1   stage 2   RM’000   RM’000   RM’0

                      PAyMeNT  AssIsTANce  (Targeted  Payment  Assistance/enhanced  Targeted  Payment  Assistance)

                         financing of customers:  sMes    Total   stage 1         RM’000   RM’000     74,582    4,999,292       61,879    4,449,392       12,703    547,407     -       2,493    -       -       2,487      -       -       6      -      82.97%   89.00%   17.03%   10.95%      -      0.05%    -      100.00%   100.00%   financing of customers:  sMes    Total   stage 1         RM’000   RM’000    16,509    679,186     16,509    660,437     -       18,749     -       18,626     -

                  Disclosure for cOvID-19 customer relief and support measures (cont’d.)
                           Retail customers as at 31 December 2021   Personal    Others   financing         RM’000   RM’000    159,013    2,536,485     126,462    2,308,024     32,551    227,525     936     930     6     -      79.53%   90.99%   20.47%   8.97%   0.04%   100.00%   100.00%   Retail customers as at 31 December 2020   Personal    Others   financing         RM’000   RM’000    73,316     52,615     70,433     52,348     2,883     268     22     2,883     268     22     -       -

              8(b). exPOsuRes TO cOvID-19 IMPAcTeD fINANcING (cONT’D.)

                                hire   purchase    receivables      RM’000    143,228     127,304     15,662     262     262      -      88.88%   10.94%   0.18%   100.00%   hire      purchase    receivables      RM’000    26,621     26,599    99.92%   0.08%   100.00%
                               home   financing   RM’000     2,160,566      271,669    1,295      1,295    87.37%    12.57%   0.06%   100.00%   home   financing   RM’000    526,634     511,057     15,576    15,454     123    97.04%   2.96%   100.00%

                                    Group and Bank   Total payment moratoriums  Under payment assistance programme    1,887,602    Resumed payments   Missed payments     As a percentage of total: Under payment assistance programme   Resumed payments   Missed payments   Group and Bank   Total payment moratoriums   Resumed payments   Missed payments   As a percentage of total:  Resumed payments   Missed payments

                                                   Delinquent   Impaired                       Delinquent   Impaired

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