Page 240 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 240

238      bank MuaMalat Malaysia berhaD
                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          31 DECEMbEr 2021 (26  JAMADIL AwAL 1443H)

          13.  INTANGIBLe AsseTs

                                                                             computer         under
                                                                              software      development       Total
              Group                                                            RM’000         RM’000        RM’000

              As  at  31  December  2021
              As  at  1  January  2021                                          282,547        3,262       285,809
              Additions                                                           1,354       31,307         32,661
              Write  off                                                              -         (216)        (216)
              Reclassification                                                   23,033       (23,033)            -
              As  at  31  December  2021                                        306,934       11,320       318,254

              Accumulated  amortisation
              As  at  1  January  2021                                          220,616             -       220,616
              Charge  for  the  year  (Note  37)                                 20,967             -        20,967

              As  at  31  December  2021                                        241,583             -       241,583

              carrying  amount  as  at  31  December  2021                      65,351        11,320         76,671

              As  at  31  December  2020

              As  at  1  January  2020                                           268,192        1,749      269,941
              Additions                                                            3,625       12,476       16,101
              Write  off                                                            -           (233)         (233)
              Reclassification                                                    10,730     (10,730)            -

              As  at  31  December  2020                                         282,547        3,262      285,809

              Accumulated  amortisation
              As  at  1  January  2020                                           187,403            -      187,403
              Charge  for  the  period  (Note  37)                                33,213            -       33,213
              As  at  31  December  2020                                         220,616            -      220,616

              carrying  amount  as  at  31  December  2020                       61,931         3,262       65,193
   235   236   237   238   239   240   241   242   243   244   245