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396    BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020

          BASEL II
          PILLAr 3 DISCLOSurE

              Upon assessment of a customer’s credit standing and payment capacity and identification of the proposed financing’s source
              of payment, the Bank may provide a financing facility on a secured, partially secured or unsecured basis. In mitigating its
              credit exposure, the Group and the Bank may employ Credit Risk Mitigants in the form of collaterals and other supports.
              Examples of these CRMs include charges over residential and commercial properties being financed; pledge over shares and
              marketable securities, ownership claims over vehicles being financed, and supports in the form of debentures, assignments and
              The Bank utilise specific techniques to identify eligible collaterals and securities and ascertain their value, and subsequently,
              implement adequate monitoring process to ensure continued coverage and enforceability.
              Credit documentation, administration and disbursement are carried out under clear guidelines and procedures to ensure
              protection and enforceability of collaterals and other credit risk mitigants. Valuation updates of collaterals are concurrently
              done during the periodic review of the financing facilities to reflect current market value and ensure adequacy and continued

              The following tables present the credit exposures covered by eligible financial collateral and financial guarantees as defined
              under the Standardised Approach. Eligible financial collateral consists  primarily of cash, securities from listed exchange,
              unit trust or marketable securities. The Group and the Bank do not have any credit exposure, which is reduced through the
              application of other eligible collateral.
              Table 18: Credit risk mitigation on credit exposures

                                                                                          Covered by
                                                                                Gross      Financial          *Net
              Group                                                          Exposures     Collateral    Exposures
              31 December 2020                                                  rM’000        rM’000        rM’000

              Credit risk
              (a)   On Balance sheet exposures
                   Sovereign/Central banks                                    6,058,325            -      6,058,325
                   Public sector entities                                      251,982           190        251,792
                   Banks, Development Financial Institution & MDBs             669,900             -        669,900
                   Corporates                                                 6,517,329       107,940     6,409,389
                   Regulatory retail                                          7,106,909       11,067      7,095,842
                   Residential real estate                                    4,640,167            -      4,640,167
                   Higher risk assets                                             826              -           826
                   Other assets                                                447,352             -        447,352
                   Defaulted exposure                                          107,289             -        107,289

                                                                             25,800,079       119,197     25,680,882

              (b)  Off-Balance Sheet Exposures
                   Credit-related off-balance sheet exposure                  1,115,215            -      1,115,215
                   Derivative financial instruments                            148,181             -        148,181

                                                                              1,263,396            -      1,263,396
                   Total Credit Exposures                                    27,063,475       119,197     26,944,278

              *  After netting and credit risk mitigation
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