Page 299 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 299
Our Performance Sustainability Statement Governance Our Numbers Other Information
(a) Credit risk (cont’d.)
(iv) Credit quality for financial investments and other financial assets (cont’d.)
Set out below are the credit quality for financial investments (non-money market instruments - debt securities) and
other financial assets analysed by ratings from external credit ratings agencies: (cont’d.)
Financial investments Financial investments
at amortised cost at FvOCI
Non-Money Market Instruments Non-Money Market Instruments
- Debt Securities – Debt Securities
Domestic International Domestic Other
Bank ratings Total ratings ratings Total assets
rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000
31 December 2020
AAA+ to AA- - - - 603,079 603,079 -
A+ to A- - - - 36,750 36,750 -
BBB+ to BB- 105,544 105,544 - - - -
Unrated - - - 97,898 97,898 112,345
Defaulted - - - - - -
Sovereign - - - 2,952,196 2,952,196 -
Total 105,544 105,544 - 3,689,923 3,689,923 112,345
31 December 2019
AAA+ to AA- - - - 505,615 505,615 -
A+ to A- - - 8,252 - 8,252 -
BBB+ to BB- 103,162 103,162 - - - -
Unrated - - - 103,163 103,163 40,780
Defaulted - - - - - -
Sovereign - - - 3,881,292 3,881,292 -
Total 103,162 103,162 8,252 4,490,070 4,498,322 40,780
The ratings shown for debt securities are based on the ratings assigned to the specific debt issuance. As at the reporting
date and prior year, none of the financial investments mentioned above are past due, except for defaulted corporate
sukuk of the Group and the Bank held under financial investments at fair value through other comprehensive
income with net outstanding amount is nil (31 December 2019: Nil), which have been classified as impaired and
fully provided for.