Page 259 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 259

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information

            21.   OThEr LIABILITIES (CONT’D.)
                 (a)   Movements in the allowances for impairment losses on financing commitments and financial guarantee contracts are
                     as follows:

                                                                                  Stage 2       Stage 3
                                                                             Lifetime ECL      Lifetime
                                                                    Stage 1      not credit      ECL credit
                     Group and Bank                          12 Months ECL       impaired      impaired      Total ECL
                                                                     rM’000        rM’000        rM’000        rM’000

                     At 31 December 2020
                     At 1 January 2020                                3,064           93          2,931         6,088
                     Transfer to Stage 1                               156           (112)          (44)            -
                     Transfer to Stage 2                               (44)          162           (118)            -
                     Transfer to Stage 3                               (29)           (17)          46              -
                     Allowance made                                   1,015           56           248          1,319
                     New financial assets originated or purchased     2,875            2              -         2,877
                     Financing derecognised                          (1,907)          (16)         (349)       (2,272)
                     Amount written-off                                  -             -          (2,353)      (2,353)

                     At 31 December 2020                              5,130          168           361          5,659

                                                                                  Stage 2       Stage 3
                                                                             Lifetime ECL      Lifetime
                                                                    Stage 1      not credit      ECL credit
                     Group and Bank                          12 Months ECL       impaired      impaired      Total ECL
                                                                     rM’000        rM’000        rM’000        rM’000

                     At 31 December 2019
                     At 1 April 2019                                  3,406          121          3,371         6,898
                     Transfer to Stage 1                               180           (150)          (30)            -
                     Transfer to Stage 2                               (51)          193           (142)            -
                     Transfer to Stage 3                                (4)          (146)         150              -
                     Allowance (written back)/made                     (286)         104           182              -
                     New financial assets originated or purchased      495             -              -           495
                     Financing derecognised                            (676)          (29)         (461)       (1,166)
                     Amount written-off                                  -             -           (139)         (139)

                     At 31 December 2019                              3,064           93          2,931         6,088
   254   255   256   257   258   259   260   261   262   263   264