Page 259 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 259
Our Performance Sustainability Statement Governance Our Numbers Other Information
(a) Movements in the allowances for impairment losses on financing commitments and financial guarantee contracts are
as follows:
Stage 2 Stage 3
Lifetime ECL Lifetime
Stage 1 not credit ECL credit
Group and Bank 12 Months ECL impaired impaired Total ECL
rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000
At 31 December 2020
At 1 January 2020 3,064 93 2,931 6,088
Transfer to Stage 1 156 (112) (44) -
Transfer to Stage 2 (44) 162 (118) -
Transfer to Stage 3 (29) (17) 46 -
Allowance made 1,015 56 248 1,319
New financial assets originated or purchased 2,875 2 - 2,877
Financing derecognised (1,907) (16) (349) (2,272)
Amount written-off - - (2,353) (2,353)
At 31 December 2020 5,130 168 361 5,659
Stage 2 Stage 3
Lifetime ECL Lifetime
Stage 1 not credit ECL credit
Group and Bank 12 Months ECL impaired impaired Total ECL
rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000
At 31 December 2019
At 1 April 2019 3,406 121 3,371 6,898
Transfer to Stage 1 180 (150) (30) -
Transfer to Stage 2 (51) 193 (142) -
Transfer to Stage 3 (4) (146) 150 -
Allowance (written back)/made (286) 104 182 -
New financial assets originated or purchased 495 - - 495
Financing derecognised (676) (29) (461) (1,166)
Amount written-off - - (139) (139)
At 31 December 2019 3,064 93 2,931 6,088