Page 103 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            Efficient  preventive  and  remedial   network. This ensured uninterrupted   Through this programme, the Bank’s
            actions are taken against any matter   training as employees could participate   identification of successors for Key and
            categorised under “Diversity and Equal   in the session  from wherever they are,   Critical positions is achieved. A total of
            Opportunity”. We are happy to report   at their own convenience.         21 talents for key positions  and 14 for
            that for FY2020, there were no issues                                    critical positions have been identified to
            or reports concerning equality from   A total of 16 Online Learning      date. This ensures a sustainable talent
            internal and/or external stakeholders.  programmes were conducted during the   pool for future leadership positions
                                                 year, focusing on training modules that   and the ability to have  uninterrupted
                                                 encompassed Regulatory Compliance,   transition of key and critical functions
            TRAINING & EDUCATION                 Shariah Knowledge, Consumer Product   when a position is vacated. Further
                                                 Training, the Executive Learning
            Training is a core priority  at the Bank                                 development programmes are to be
            as it directly impacts productivity   programme and several induction    based on dual career track of Specialist
            and quality of work. As a financial                                      and Generalist functions.
            institution, regular training is required   Shariah Knowledge            Fit-for-Role  Exercise
            to fulfil recommendations by regulatory
            bodies, adhere to required compliances   Towards enhancing workforce     Fit-for-Role exercise was conducted
            and to ensure employees in the       capability,  this  internally-implemented   for frontliners and head office
            financial industry are well trained and   course  provided  an  understanding   personnel to ensure they had the
            well versed with all financial acts.   and application of Shariah values into   knowledge, skills and capabilities to
            For employees, a rigorous training   mobilising a High Performance Culture   serve stakeholders with efficiency and
            programme leads to increased job     under the Brilliance through Islah   excellence. The exercise; conducted
            satisfaction and morale, and capabilities.   (“BTI”) concept. The training series   by a panel of interviewers from
            It also enhances motivation to seek   included intervention programmes to   Consumer Banking Division, Banking
            greater efficiencies in processes and   focus on Intelligence Quotient (“IQ”)   Operations Department, Human
            adopt new technologies and methods.  and Emotional Quotient (“EQ”)       Capital Division, Risk Management
                                                 development. A BTI motivation session   Division and Regulatory Advisory
            All our 2,034 staff participated in a   for  employees was  conducted  in
            total of 118,796 training hours during   October 2020 followed by bi-monthly   & Compliance Division; assessed the
                                                                                     personnels’ IQ and EQ competencies
            the year. On average, there was a 22%   sessions that  cater to 30 employees
            increase of staff trained in FY2020 from   at a time due to the need for social   as well as made observations on
                                                                                     their personal interactions. Based on
            FY2019, with the average percentage   distancing. The objective is to re-calibrate
            of participation for all categories of   employees’ self-actualisation in relation   their  level  of  knowledge  and soft
                                                                                     skills, the exercise highlighted gaps
            programmes rising by 48%. This was   to their commitment to their employer
            due to the online medium used during   from the  perspective  of  Shariah  and   in the current structured development
                                                                                     programmes for  these  roles.   While
            the year  which  has  allowed  for  greater   ethical demands for maximum delivery
            accessibility and convenience. Average   of given expectations.          non-fit candidates are recommended
                                                                                     for redeployment to more suitable
            training  hours  also  decreased  by  15.4
            hours  due to the shorter duration   Talent Development & Succession     positions, talents are identified for
                                                                                     future career advancement.
            of  online  trainings.  The  total  number   Planning
            of programmes decreased to 67 from                                       The assessment exercise for head
            78 the previous year, as there were   The Executive Leadership-MBA       office personnel was completed in
            less  external  programmes  due  to  the   programme which commenced in   October 2020, while assistant branch
            pandemic.                            November  2020,  was  offered  to  10   managers underwent the assessment in
                                                 identified talents in managerial roles
            To overcome the challenges of MCO    from Business and Support functions,   November 2020, and branch managers
            and social distancing during the year,   to further groom and develop them   were assessed  from  February to March
            the Bank provided a series of online   as part of the Bank’s succession
            training programmes for employees    planning and talent retention strategy.
            that  were accessible  even by  non-office
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