Page 105 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            Vulnerable SME Retail Sectors        Empowering Communities through      to  identify  beneficiaries  in  need
                                                 Social Finance                      of funds  and  create  crowdfunding
            Given the challenging economic                                           campaigns to help them. Besides that,
            issues of the year, Bank Muamalat    The  Bank’s  Social  Finance  Department   the public can also access our Jariah
            also  extended  financing  to  small   (“SFD”)  manages  zakat and wakaf   Crowdfund website and choose the
            medium entrepreneurs (“SMEs”) under   funds and other related initiatives for   preferred charity work that they want
            programmes backed by Government      charitable purposes.                to  contribute  to.  As  at  FY2020,  Jariah
            guarantee  schemes,  towards  ensuring                                   Fund has collected RM40,415 through
            their business sustainability and    Wakaf Muamalat is a collaboration   seven (7) crowdfunding campaigns.
            resilience, and mitigating any cascading   between Bank Muamalat and State
            effects of supply chain disruptions,   Islamic Religious Councils in the    Contributing to the Fight Against
            unemployment and loss of income      co-management of cash waqf fund     COVID-19
            within affected communities. These   via a joint management committee
            were supported by Entrepreneur       (“JMC”). Since its inception in 2012,   This  year due  to  the pandemic,  all  our
            Development programmes as reported   Wakaf  Muamalat  through  its  JMC  has   yearly programmes were postponed
            on page 85 (under Economic).         approved 113 projects in education,   and  we  concentrated  on  efforts
                                                 health, and investment nationwide.   to assist the government, medical
            Providing support to vulnerable      Members of the public can donate    community and those most affected
            business sectors, the Bank disbursed   through direct deductions of their   by the outbreak. Bank Muamalat
            RM25.50 million of the BNM SME       bank accounts to their selected wakaf   contributed a total of RM434,914 in
            Retail Fund to 91 accounts during the   institution. Despite the tough year,   donation to support Tabung Negara,
            year.                                contributions to Wakaf Muamalat     Tabung Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan,
                                                 amounted to RM30.7 million. As at the   frontliners, hospitals, NGOs  and
            COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT                FY2020, the JMC has approved RM25.3   affected communities such as the
                                                 million for projects and RM16.5 million   homeless, tertiary students far from
            Contributing to Industry Knowledge   has been disbursed.                 home, and our customers.
            and Leadership
                                                 SFD also manages Tabung Mawaddah,   Funds were used to purchase
            As part of BNM’s VBI Community       an  internal  charitable fund  contributed   necessities  and  essential  needs  for
            of Practitioners, Bank Muamalat is   by zakat and alms (sadaqah) sourced   hospitals and frontliners; supply food
            actively involved in the VBI Financing   by the Bank and our employees.   and necessities to institutions and
            and Investment Impact Assessment     Tabung  Mawaddah is dedicated to aid   frontline communities; and help ease
            Framework (“VBIAF”) Sectoral Guide   and implement charitable activities to   the burdens of those affected.
            Working Group, and led as project    eight (8) categories of Asnaf recipients
            manager for the VBIAF Sectoral Guide   (Fakir, Miskin, Amil, Muallaf, Riqab,
            on  Energy Efficiency.  This sectorial   Gharimin, Fisabillah and Musafir) and   Bank Muamalat
            guide is created to rigorously evaluate   to  needful  employees  in  the event  of   contributed a total of
            companies that are promoting energy   death, accidents, natural disasters, and   RM434,914 in donation
            efficiency projects and activities. On   other such unfortunate situations. In   to support Tabung
            10  September 2020, the Bank provided   FY2020, a total of RM2.07 million was
            a briefing on the document via a virtual   contributed to these recipients.  Negara, Tabung Negeri
            Townhall Session organised by IBFIM,                                        Selangor Darul Ehsan,
            attended by almost 1,000 participants.   In  FY2020, Tabung  Mawaddah       frontliners, hospitals,
                                                 embarked on a digital journey with
            Currently, Bank Muamalat is also     the launch of a crowdfunding platform   NGOs and affected
            involved in the second cohort for VBIAF   known as Jariah Fund. Through     communities such as
            Sectoral Guides on Construction. The   this  platform,  Tabung  Mawaddah    the homeless, tertiary
            consultation document is expected to   collaborates with selected non-      students far from  home,
            be completed by the end of 2021.     governmental organisations (“NGOs”)    and our customers.
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