Page 107 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 107
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Giving Back to Communities e-Shopping Raya for Anak Yatim (RM54,000)
Though events and event sponsorships came to a halt as Raya shopping with orphans has always been an annual
the number of community engagements were reduced event, and is one of the top corporate social responsibility
during the year due to the MCO, the Bank continued (“CSR”) priorities of the Bank. In view of the movement
with our annual Ramadan and Raya celebrations to restriction, the Bank initiated an e-shopping raya event
uplift the disadvantaged and marginalised communities for 200 orphans, who each received RM200 worth of Raya
with cheer, donations and festive treats. shopping vouchers.
Ramadan Visit to Rumah Orang Tua Kuala Kubu
Baru (RM40,750) Bantuan Raya for Anak Yatim/Asnaf by Region
This is an annual programme conducted by the Bank. (RM150,000)
To ease the burden of Rumah Ehsan residents, the Bank The Bantuan Raya programme for FY2020 was distributed
distributed hampers of daily necessities worth RM100 by our offices in five (5) regions. Each region was tasked
per person as well as RM50 cash. Items included food, to identify orphanages in their area and given RM30,000
snacks, toiletries, and new bedsheets. to distribute as cash donations to the asnaf residents.
Prepacked Food for the Media during Ramadan
As part of our continuous efforts to fortify relationships
with members of the media, Bank Muamalat sponsored
pre-packed food for on-duty media personnel at Media
Prima Berhad (“MPB”) during the Ramadhan month.
The food was distributed to 150 personnel.