Page 337 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 337

                                                                                                        OUR NUMBERS

                 (b)  Market risk (cont’d.)

                     Types of market risk (cont’d.)
                     (ii)   Non-traded market risk (cont’d.)

                          Foreign currency risk
                          Foreign exchange risk arises from the movements in exchange rates that adversely affect the revaluation of the
                          Group and the Bank foreign currency positions.

                                                                                   Group  and  Bank
                                                                           2023                         2022
                                                               appreciation   depreciation   appreciation   depreciation
                                                                       1%            1%            1%            1%
                                                                   RM’000        RM’000        RM’000        RM’000

                          Impact  to  profit  after  tax  and  reserves    (57)       57         (2,229)        2,229

                          Interpretation of impact
                          The Group and the Bank measure the foreign exchange sensitivity based on the foreign exchange net open
                          positions (including foreign exchange structural position) under an adverse movement in all foreign currencies
                          against  reporting  currency  (MYR).  The  result  implies  that  the  Group  and  the  Bank  may  be  subjected  to
                          additional translation (loss)/gain if MYR appreciated/depreciated against other currencies or vice versa.

                 (c)   Liquidity and funding risk
                     Liquidity and funding risk is the potential inability of the Group and the Bank to meet its funding requirements
                     arising from cash flow mismatches at a reasonable cost while market liquidity risk refers to the Group’s and the Bank’s
                     potential inability to liquidate positions quickly and with insufficient volumes, at a reasonable price.
                     The Group and the Bank monitor the maturity profile of assets and liabilities so that adequate liquidity is maintained at
                     all times. The Group’s and the Bank’s ability to maintain a stable liquidity profile is primarily due to its success in retaining
                     and growing its customer deposits base.

                     The marketing strategy of the Group and the Bank has ensured a balanced mix of deposits level. Stability of the deposits
                     base thus minimises the Group’s and the Bank’s dependency on volatile short-term receiving. Considering the effective
                     maturities of deposits are based largely on retention history (behavioral method) and in view of the ready availability of
                     liquidity investments, the Group and the Bank are able to ensure that sufficient liquidity is always available whenever

                     The Asset Liability Committee (“ALCO”) chaired by the PCEO, is being conducted on monthly basis, which purpose
                     is  to  review  the  Liquidity  Gap  Profile  of  the  Group  and  the  Bank.  In  addition,  the  Group  and  the  Bank  apply  the
                     liquidity stress test which addresses strategic issues concerning liquidity risk.

                     The tables depicted in the following pages are the analysis of assets and liabilities of the Group and the Bank
                     as at 31 December 2023 based on remaining contractual maturities.

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