Page 78 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 78

                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE


                          Profit Before Tax (RM’000)                               Revenue (RM’000)
           235      664      737      935      628     910       4,664      4,594      4,081      4,510      4,546

          Mar 2017  Mar 2018  Mar 2019  Dec 2019  Dec 2020  Dec 2021  Mar 2018  Mar 2019  Dec 2019  Dec 2020  Dec 2021

           Moving Forward
           Going forward into 2022, MISB intends to leverage on the   and 2018) were held right at the end of the five-year cycle.
           domestic economy’s recovery, supported by the continued   Malaysian politics look more polarised than ever, and thus the
           expansion  in  global  demand  and  higher  private  sector   results could bring on a period of uncertainty for the nation.
           expenditure,  improving  labour  market  conditions  and
           ongoing  policy  support.  The  country’s  transition  into  the   Russian and Ukraine War
           endemic phase from 1 April 2022 signals the continuation
                                                                The  current  Russian  and  Ukraine  war  had  sped  up  the
           of significant investment projects in both private and public
                                                                consolidation  of  the  market.  US  and  NATO  maintain  their
           sectors, which will indirectly support MISB’s growth.
                                                                stance  to  not  participate  in  the  war  other  than  providing
                                                                weapons  and  sanctions  to  Russia.  The  chance  of  war
           Towards  this  end,  MISB  is  paying  close  attention  to  the
                                                                spreading  beyond  the  Ukrainian  border  seems  contained
           following key determinants of the equity market in the year
                                                                for  now  despite  impacting  a  highly  volatile  market  in  the
           2022,  and  analysing  the  emerging  threats  and  prospects
                                                                near term.
           which could impact its business.
           COVID-19                                             Interest rate hikes
                                                                Monetary  tightening  in  the  US  has  begun  with  a  0.25%
           The COVID-19 pandemic impact seems to be less of a risk
                                                                hike  in  March  and  another  0.50%  hike  in  May  which
           from  2022  onwards.  Many  countries  plan  to  move  to  the
                                                                Federal  Reserve  has  well  communicated  to  the  market.
           endemic phase, and international borders are now gradually
                                                                Hence,  markets  already  expect  that  there  will  be  seven
           opening up. No more lockdowns are expected and supply
                                                                interest  hikes  and  interest  rate  in  US  to  hit  2.75%  by  end
           chain disruption will ease moving forward.
                                                                of 2022. Therefore, any interest hikes are unlikely to cause
           General Election                                     a shock in the financial markets. Domestically, BNM raised
                                                                OPR by 0.25% in May and further hike of 0.50% in 2022 on
           The  15th  Malaysian  general  election  will  be  held  on  or   improved economic conditions and inflationary pressures.
           before July 2023 with expectations of market impact on the
           possibility of early polls. The previous two elections (in 2013
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83