Page 358 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 358

                                                   ABOUT US
                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRA TEGY   OUR PERFORMANCE
                                                                  OUR LEADERSHIP
                                                                                    OUR STRATEGY
                                                                                                    OUR PERFORMANCE
          BASEL II

          2.0   cAPITAl MAnAgeMenT

              BMMB’s  capital  management  framework  was  designed  to  protect  the  interests  of  its  key  stakeholders  and  maximise
              shareholder value through optimum use of its capital resources. The primary capital management objective is to ensure
              efficient capital utilisation while in pursuit of strategic and business objectives. It is also aimed at ensuring sufficient level of
              capital is maintained at all times to support the business growth targets and that it is kept in line with the Bank’s risk appetite
              and regulatory requirements.

              To  determine  the  appropriate  level  and  composition  of  capital  to  be  held,  the  Bank  uses  the  risk  and  capital  adequacy
              assessment approaches as outlined under the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (“ICAAP”). The capital levels are
              assessed based on the Bank’s strategic and business targets, taking into account current and forecasted economic and market
              conditions as well as the regulatory capital standards.
              The Bank prepares its strategic, business and capital plans on an annual basis. Guided by the Board-approved risk appetite
              statement, the plans cover a minimum three-year planning horizon and are subjected to a stress test covering several possible
              stressed scenarios. Based on the ICAAP and stress test analysis, internal capital targets are set for key capital ratios to facilitate
              ongoing capital management and monitoring.

              Arising from the strategic planning and capital assessment process, an annual capital plan is drawn up to ensure that sufficient
              capital is held to meet business growth targets as well as to maintain adequate buffer under adverse economic scenarios.
              The  capital  plan  also  addresses  any  capital  issuance  requirements,  capital  instrument  composition  and  maturity  profile,
              and capital contingency planning.

          2.1   InTernAl cAPITAl ADequAcy AssessMenT Process (“IcAAP”)

              BMMB’s approach towards assessing the adequacy of its internal capital levels in relation to its risk profile is addressed in
              the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (“ICAAP”). This is in line with BNM’s requirement as stipulated under
              the guideline, “Capital Adequacy Framework for Islamic Banks (“CAFIB”) - Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process
              (“Pillar 2”)”.

              The ICAAP covers an assessment of all risk exposures, particularly on those deemed as material risks, and the effectiveness
              of related risk controls and mitigations. The risk and capital assessment also looks at the adequacy of capital in relation
              to other discretionary and non-discretionary risk and where required, additional capital and buffers are allocated for risk
              exposures that are deemed inadequately covered under the Pillar 1 capital.
              The ICAAP further addresses the current and future capital levels to be considered or maintained to ensure its adequacy
              to support the Bank’s business operations on a going-concern basis. In terms of its capital mix, the Bank’s capital consists
              primarily of Tier 1 capital and common equity, which enhances the Bank’s ability to absorb potential losses under unforeseeable
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