Page 228 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 228

226      bank MuaMalat Malaysia berhaD
                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          31 DECEMbEr 2021 (26  JAMADIL AwAL 1443H)

          7.   fINANcING Of cusTOMeRs (cONT’D.)

              (ix)  Movements in the loss allowance for financing of customers
                                                                               stage  2       stage  3
                                                                          Lifetime  ecL       Lifetime
                                                                 stage  1       not  credit       ecL  credit
                                                          12  Months  ecL       impaired       impaired       Total  ecL
                   Group  and  Bank                              RM’000        RM’000         RM’000        RM’000

                   At  31  December  2021
                   At  1  January  2021                            94,984        8,561        87,944       191,489
                   Transfer  to  Stage  1                          28,881       (15,814)      (13,067)            -
                   Transfer  to  Stage  2                          (15,730)     46,216        (30,486)            -
                   Transfer  to  Stage  3                           (1,755)      (3,979)       5,734              -
                   Allowance  (written  back)/made                 (24,496)      (1,002)      73,264         47,766
                   New  financing  originated                      99,651             -             -        99,651
                   Financing derecognised                          (64,766)         64         (6,560)     (71,262)
                   Amount  written-off                                   -            -       (40,695)     (40,695)
                   Exchange  difference                                (1)            -             -           (1)
                   At  31  December  2021                         116,768       34,046        76,134       226,948

                                                                               stage  2       stage  3
                                                                           Lifetime  ecL       Lifetime
                                                                 stage  1       not  credit       ecL  credit
                                                          12  Months  ecL       impaired       impaired       Total  ecL
                   Group  and  Bank                              RM’000        RM’000         RM’000        RM’000

                   At  31  December  2020
                   At  1  January  2020                             51,342       13,766        86,734       151,842
                   Transfer  to  Stage  1                        15,374          (8,473)       (6,901)            -
                   Transfer  to  Stage  2                          (1,572)       25,182       (23,610)            -
                   Transfer  to  Stage  3                          (346)        (10,232)       10,578             -
                   Allowance  (written  back)/made                (2,719)       (11,017)       91,759        78,023
                   New  financing  originated                    79,619            638              -        80,257
                   Financing  derecognised                        (46,713)       (1,303)      (12,546)     (60,562)
                   Amount  written-off                                -             -        (58,070)      (58,070)
                   Exchange  difference                              (1)              -             -           (1)

                   At  31  December  2020                           94,984        8,561        87,944       191,489
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