Page 176 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 176

                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          STATEMENT  OF


          FOr  THE  YEAr  ENdEd  31  dECEMbEr  2021 (26  JAMAdIl AwAl 1443H)

                                             <============Non-Distributable============>   Distributable
                                                                                   fair  value
                                                                                through  other
                                                                      exchange   comprehensive
                                                Ordinary  Regulatory  fluctuation     income    Retained     Total
                                                   shares   reserve    reserve       reserve      profits   equity
          Bank                                   RM’000     RM’000     RM’000        RM’000      RM’000    RM’000

         At  1  January  2021                    1,195,000       45,411       (967)     18,240      1,384,855      2,642,539
         Profit  for  the  year                          -           -          -          -       152,672       152,672
         Other  comprehensive  income  for  the  year       -        -       1,617       (58,541)      -     (56,924)
         Total  comprehensive  income  for  the  year     -          -       1,617       (58,541)     152,672       95,748
         Transfer  of  fair  value  changes  recognised  for
           equity  instrument  (elected  as  FVOCI)
           upon derecognition                            -           -          -        287       (287)          -
         Transfer  from  regulatory  reserve             -       (17,332)       -          -       17,332         -

         At  31  December  2021                  1,195,000       28,079       650       (40,014)    1,554,572      2,738,287

         At  1  January  2020                    1,195,000       62,676       (132)     18,008      1,186,739      2,462,291
         Profit  for  the  year                          -          -           -          -       171,268       171,268
          Other  comprehensive  income  for  the  period     -       -       (835)     9,815           -       8,980
          Total  comprehensive  income  for  the  period   -         -       (835)     9,815       171,268       180,248
          Transfer  of  fair  value  changes  recognised  for
           equity  instrument  (elected  as  FVOCI)
           upon  derecognition                           -           -          -       (9,583)     9,583         -
          Transfer  from  regulatory  reserve            -       (17,265)       -          -       17,265         -
          At  31  December  2020                   1,195,000       45,411       (967)     18,240      1,384,855      2,642,539

          The  accompanying  notes  form  an  integral  part  of  the  financial  statements.
   171   172   173   174   175   176   177   178   179   180   181