Page 174 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 174

                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          STATEMENTS  OF


          FOR  THE  yEAR  ENdEd  31  dECEMbER  2021 (26 JAMAdIl  AwAl 1443H)

                                                                      Group                        Bank
                                                                  2021           2020           2021          2020
                                                    note        rM’000        rM’000          rM’000        rM’000

          Profit  for  the  year                                 159,059        172,857       152,672      171,268
          Other  comprehensive  (loss)/income:
           Items  that  may  be  reclassified
             subsequently  to  profit  or  loss
             Net  (loss)/gain  on  financial
             investments  at  fair  value  through  other
             comprehensive income                               (44,968)          9,789      (44,968)        9,789
             -  Net  (loss)/gain  on  change  in  fair  value      (61,399)    66,947        (61,399)       66,947
             -  Changes  in  expected  credit  losses   5  (ii)       35            (38)          35           (38)
             -  Income  tax  effect                  16           18,407            (86)      18,407           (86)
             -  Realised  gain  transferred  to  profit  or
               loss  on  disposal  of  debts  instruments   27  &  29     (2,011)     (57,034)     (2,011)   (57,034)
             Exchange  fluctuation  reserve                       1,617          (835)         1,617          (835)
         Items  that  may  not  be  reclassified
           subsequently  to  profit  or  loss
           Net  unrealised  (loss)/gain  on  equity
             securities  at  fair  value  through  other
             comprehensive income                               (13,573)            26       (13,573)          26
         Other  comprehensive  (loss)/
           income  for  the  year,  net  of  tax                (56,924)          8,980      (56,924)        8,980
         Total  comprehensive  income  for  the  year           102,135         181,837       95,748       180,248

          The  accompanying  notes  form  an  integral  part  of  the  financial  statements.
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