Page 180 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 180

                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          FOr  THE  yEAr  ENdEd  31  dECEMbEr  2021 (26 JAMAdiL  AWAL 1443H)

          (a)   Reconciliation of liabilities arising from financing activities:

              The table below details changes in the Group’s and the Bank’s liabilities arising from financing activities, including both cash
              and non-cash changes. Liabilities arising from financing activities are those for which cash flows were, or future cash flows will
              be, classified in the Group’s statement of cash flows as cash flows from financing activities

                                                                      sukuk               Recourse  obligation  on
                                                                                         financing  sold  to  cagamas
                                                                  2021           2020           2021          2020
             Group  and  Bank                                   RM’000        RM’000          RM’000        RM’000

             At  1  January  2021/1  January  2020               753,334        753,049     444,141        459,633

             Net  changes  from  financing  cash  flows:
             Dividend  paid  on  Islamic  subordinated  sukuk      (46,000)    (42,000)             -            -
             Redemption  of  subordinated  sukuk                (750,000)            -             -             -
             Additional  issuance  of  subordinated  bonds      498,573              -              -            -
             Payment  of  principal  for  recourse
               obligation  on  financing  sold  to  Cagamas           -              -       (16,667)      (15,485)
             Payment  of  finance  cost  for  recourse
               obligation  on  financing  sold  to  Cagamas           -             -        (20,293)      (21,035)

                                                                 455,907        711,049       407,181      423,113
             Other  changes:
             Amortisation  of  cost  on  sukuk  issued              406           199              -             -
             Finance cost                                         43,563         42,086       20,285         21,028
             At  end  of  the  financial  year                   499,876        753,334       427,466       444,141
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