Page 111 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 111


            TAN SRI CHE KHALIB                                                    Age 57        Male        Malaysian
            MOHAMAD NOH                                                        • Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
                                                                               • Appointed on 27 August 2012
            Non-Independent Non-Executive Director

            Tan  Sri  Che  Khalib  Mohamad  Noh  was  appointed  as  Non-Independent
            Non-Executive Director of Bank Muamalat nominated by DRB-HICOM Berhad
            on 27 August 2012. He is a member of the Board Nomination & Remuneration
            and Board Veto Committees.
            He was the former President and Chief Executive Officer of Tenaga Nasional
            Bhd  (“TNB”).  After  that,  he  was  the  Chief  Operating  Officer  –  Finance,
            Strategy  &  Planning  of  DRB-HICOM  Berhad.  Tan  Sri  Che  Khalib  began
            his  career  with  Messrs  Ernst  &  Young  in  1989  and  later  joined  Bumiputra
            Merchant  Bankers  Berhad.  He  was  previously  a  member  of  the  Board  and
            the Executive Committee of Khazanah Nasional Berhad from the year 2000
            to  2004.  He  also  served  as  a  Board  member  within  the  United  Engineers
            Malaysia  (“UEM”)  Group  of  companies  and  Bank  Industri  &  Teknologi
            Malaysia Berhad.

            Tan  Sri  Che  Khalib  is  currently  the  Group  Managing  Director  of  MMC
            Corporation  Berhad.  He  sits  on  the  Board  of  Gas  Malaysia  Berhad,
            Malakoff Corporation Berhad, Johor Port Berhad, MMC Engineering Group
            Berhad, NCB Holdings Bhd, Aliran Ihsan Resources Berhad, Kontena Nasional
            Berhad, Northport (Malaysia) Berhad and several private limited companies.

            A  qualified  accountant,  Tan  Sri  Che  Khalib  is  a  member  of  the  Malaysian
            Institute  of  Accountants  ("MIA")  and  also  a  Fellow  of  the  Association  of
            Chartered Certified Accountants ("FCCA, UK") United Kingdom.
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