Page 116 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 116

                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE


              Age 56        Male       Malaysian
                                                   MOHD RAZLAN MOHAMED
           • Independent Non-Executive Director    Independent Non-Executive Director
           • Appointed on 01 September 2021

                                                   Mohd  Razlan  Mohamed  was  appointed  as  an  Independent  Non-Executive
                                                   Director of Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad on 1 September 2021. He is the
                                                   Chairman  of  the  Board  Veto  Committee  and  a  member  of  the  Board  Risk
                                                   Management and Board Nomination & Remuneration Committees.
                                                   Razlan was the Chief Executive Officer of the credit rating agency, Malaysian
                                                   Rating  Corporation  (“MARC”),  for  11  years  from  2007  to  2018.  As  a
                                                   member  of  MARC’s  Rating  Committee,  he  was  largely  responsible  for  the
                                                   decision of all credit rating assignments and actions on various asset classes
                                                   including  large  corporates,  structured  products,  infrastructure  projects
                                                   and  financial  institutions.  Prior  to  that,  he  was  a  corporate  and  investment
                                                   banker  for  debt  and  debt  capital  market  for  13  years  with  Perwira  Affin
                                                   Merchant Bank, Bank of America (Malaysia), Maybank Investment Bank and
                                                   MIMB Investment Bank.

                                                   He  had  served  as  a  Board  member  of  Asia  credit  rating  industry  body,
                                                   the  Association  of  Credit  Rating  Agency  in  Asia  (2015  to  2018),  as  well  as
                                                   in  two  other  international  credit  rating  agencies,  ARC  Ratings  SA,  Portugal
                                                   (2013 to 2018) and Islamic International Rating Agency, Bahrain (2011 to 2018).
                                                   He  was  also  an  Independent  Non-Executive  Director  of  HSBC  Amanah
                                                   Malaysia Berhad (2008 to 2011), VCAP Asset Managers Sdn Bhd (2015 to 2018)
                                                   and Senai-Desaru Expressway Berhad (2019 to 2021).

                                                   Razlan  currently  sits  on  the  Board  of  Glomac  Berhad,  Universiti  Teknologi
                                                   Malaysia,  Lembaga  Pembiayaan  Perumahan  Sektor  Awam,  Amanah  Raya
                                                   Investment  Management  Sdn  Bhd,  USAINS  Holding  Sdn  Bhd  and  Pacific
                                                   Trustees  Group  International  Sdn  Bhd.  He  holds  a  Bachelors  of  Science
                                                   (cum  laude)  degree  in  Civil  Engineering  from  Duke  University,  USA  and  an
                                                   MBA from Rice University, USA.
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