Page 429 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 429

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information

                                                   TOPIC-SPECIFIC DISCLOSurE
             Profile                                                                         reference Page/
             Disclosure  Description                                                         Explanations
             103–1       Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary                  41 – 43
             103–2       The management approach and its components                          80 – 83
             103–3       Evaluation of the management approach                               80 – 83
             103–1       Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary                  84 – 87
             103–2       The management approach and its components                          53 – 79, 84 – 87
             103–3       Evaluation of the management approach                               53 – 79, 84 – 87
             201–1       Direct economic value generated and distributed                     46 – 47, 84
             103–1       Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary                  47, 84
             103–2       The management approach and its components                          25 – 26, 47, 84
             103–3       Evaluation of the management approach                               25 – 26, 47, 84
             PrOCurEMENT PrACTICES
             204-1       Proportion of spending on local suppliers                           87
             103–1       Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary                  87 – 89
             103–2       The management approach and its components                          47, 87 – 89
             103–3       Evaluation of the management approach                               47, 87 – 89
             205-2       Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and procedures  87
             103–1       Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary                  87 – 89
             103–2       The management approach and its components                          87 – 89
             103–3       Evaluation of the management approach                               87 – 89
             302–1       Energy consumption within the organisation                          94 – 95
             302–4       Reduction of energy consumption                                     94 – 95
             103–1       Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary                  92
             103–2       The management approach and its components                          47, 92 – 95
             103–3       Evaluation of the management approach                               47, 92 – 95
             401-3       New employee hires and employee turnover                            97
             404-3       Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development   101
             103–1       Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary                  97
             103–2       The management approach and its components                          97 – 101
             103–3       Evaluation of the management approach                               97 – 101
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