Page 427 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 427

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information


            CONTENT INDEx

                                                     GENErAL DISCLOSurES
             Profile                                                                         reference Page/
             Disclosure       Description                                                    Explanations
             102–1            Name of the organisation                                       5
             102–2            Activities, brands, products, and services                     5
             102–3            Location of headquarters                                       419
             102–4            Locations of operations                                        420 – 424
             102–5            Ownership and legal form                                       5 – 6, 419
             102–6            Markets served                                                 5, 420 – 424
             102–7            Scale of the organisation                                      5 – 6
             102–8            Information on employees and other workers                     97 – 101
             102–9            Supply chain                                                   87 – 91
             102–10           Significant changes to the organisation and its supply chain   16 – 29
             102–11            Precautionary Principle or approach                           44 – 45, 135 – 136
             102–12            External initiatives                                          89, 126 – 134
             102–13            Membership of associations                                    5

             102–14            Statement from senior decision-makers                         16 – 33
             102–15            Key impacts, risks, and opportunities                         34 – 37, 40 – 50

              EThICS AND INTEGrITy
              102–16           Values, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour         5, 19 – 20, 87 – 88
              102–17           Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics               81 – 89, 126, 133

              102–18           Governance structure                                          80 – 83, 126 – 127
              102–19           Delegating authority                                          126 – 127
              102–20           Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental,    80
                               and social topics
              102–21           Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental, and social topics  38 – 43
              102–22           Composition of the highest governance body and its committees  106 – 129
              102–23           Chair of the highest governance body                          108
              102–24           Nominating and selecting the highest governance body          134
              102–25           Conflicts of interest                                         22, 130 – 134
              102–26           Role of highest governance body in setting purpose, values, and strategy  126 – 127
              102–27           Collective knowledge of highest governance body               106 – 107
              102–28           Evaluating the highest governance body’s performance          130
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