Page 428 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 428

426    BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020

          CONTENT INDEx

                                                   GENErAL DISCLOSurES
           Profile                                                                        reference Page/
           Disclosure       Description                                                   Explanations
           102–29           Identifying and managing economic, environmental, and social impacts  40 – 43
           102–30           Effectiveness of risk management processes                    135 – 136, 142 – 153
           102–31           Review of economic, environmental, and social topics          80 –105
           102–32           Highest governance body’s role in sustainability reporting    80
           102–33           Communicating critical concerns                               38 – 39, 136
           102–34           Nature and total number of critical concerns                  89
           102–35           Remuneration policies                                         134
           102–36           Process for determining remuneration                          134
           102–37           Stakeholders’ involvement in remuneration                     N/A
           102–38           Annual total compensation ratio                               N/A
           102–39           Percentage increase in annual total compensation ratio        N/A

           102–40           List of stakeholder groups                                    38 – 39
           102–41           Collective bargaining agreements                              The agreement is available
                                                                                          for view to all employees
                                                                                          via the ICP portal.
           102–42           Identifying and selecting stakeholders                        38 – 39
           102–43           Approach to stakeholder engagement                            38 – 39
           102–44           Key topics and concerns raised                                38 – 39

           rEPOrTING PrACTICE
           102–45           Entities included in the consolidated financial statements    182 – 183
           102–46           Defining report content and topic Boundaries                  2
           102–47           List of material topics                                       40 – 44
           102–48           Restatements of information                                   There are no restatements
                                                                                          of information.
           102–49           Changes in reporting                                          2
           102–50           Reporting period                                              2
           102–51           Date of most recent report                                    2
           102–52           Reporting cycle                                               2
           102–53           Contact point for questions regarding the report              419
           102–54           Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards      2
           102–55           GRI content index                                             425 – 428
           102–56           External assurance                                            The sustainability data has
                                                                                          not been externally assured.
                                                                                          Moving forward, we
                                                                                          aspire to conduct external
                                                                                          assurance on our data.
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