Page 285 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 285

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information

                                    Total    rM’000    2,933,172    30,417    313,337    3,798,965    105,544    47,820    18,115,817    95,255    113,170    25,553,497    731,380    1,652,479    7,102    4,526,523    6,917,484    32,470,981

                                    Others     rM’000     -     -     -     520,055     -     -     463,030     -     113,170     1,096,255     14,967     167,760     -     -     182,727     1,278,982

                                    household     rM’000     -     -     -     -     -     -     11,662,015     -     -     11,662,015     5,006     164,956     1,249     -     171,211     11,833,226

                                 Purchase of    transport    vehicles     rM’000     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     4,438     799     250     -     5,487     5,487

                                 Construction     and     real estate     rM’000     -     -     -     32,050     -     -     1,753,798     -     -     1,785,848     334,608     369,035     1,130     -     704,773     2,490,621
                     Maximum credit risk exposures and credit risk concentration (cont’d.)

                             Agriculture,    manufacturing,    wholesale,     retail and    restaurant     rM’000     -     -     -     63,083     105,544     -     2,136,502     -     -     2,305,129     104,814     455,773     3,762     -     564,349     2,869,478

                            Finance,    takaful    and     business     services     rM’000     2,933,172     30,417     165,252     437,428     -     47,820     1,057,648     -     -     4,671,737     238,833     476,073     711     4,526,523     5,242,140     9,913,877

                                   Government     and statutory     bodies     rM’000     -     -     148,085     2,746,349     -     -    1,042,824     95,255     -    4,032,513     28,714     18,083     -     -     46,797     4,079,310

                  Credit risk (cont’d.)  By sector analysis (cont’d.)                            Group   31 December 2020   On balance sheet   exposures  Cash and   short-term funds   Cash and placements   with financial   institutions   Financial investments   at fair value   through profit   and loss   Financial investments   at fair value   through other   comprehensive   income   Financial assets at   amortised cost   Islamic derivative   financial assets   Financing of   customers  Stat

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