Page 179 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 179

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information

            StatementS of caSh flowS

            for the year ended 31  december 2020 (16 Jamadil awal 1442h)

                                                                        Group                        Bank
                                                                    For the                     For the
                                                                    twelve   For the nine       twelve    For the nine
                                                                   months         months        months        months
                                                                    ended          ended         ended         ended
                                                               31 December   31 December   31 December   31 December
                                                                      2020          2019           2020          2019
                                                       Note        rM’000        rM’000          rM’000        rM’000
                                                                                 (Note 1)                    (Note 1)

            Cash flows from operating activities
            Profit before zakat and taxation                        174,768       140,313       171,216       139,332
            Adjustment for:
              Fair value gain of financial liabilities    29 (b)      (8,859)          -         (8,859)           -
              Amortisation of intangible  assets        37            33,213       25,570        33,213        25,558
              Depreciation of property,
                plant and equipment                     37           11,375         9,810        11,368         9,805
              Gain/(loss) on sale of property,
                plant and equipment                     29              21           (11)           21            (11)
              Depreciation of right-of-use assets       37           12,230         9,742        11,751         9,301
              Amortisation of cost on subordinated sukuk
                and senior sukuk issued                                200           150           200           150
              Property, plant and equipment written off   37             7            26             7            26
              Intangible  assets written off            37             233             -           233             -
              Amortisation of premium (net)          27 & 29         28,150          305         28,150          305
              Net gain from sale of financial investments
                at fair value through other comprehensive
                income                               27 & 29        (57,034)      (44,300)      (57,034)       (44,300)
              Net (gain)/loss from sale of financial
                investments designated at FVTPL      27 & 29           (460)          14           (460)           8
              Unrealised (gain)/loss on revaluation of
                financial investment designated at FVTPL    27 & 29      (6,194)    3,683        (6,194)        3,538
              Net gain on revaluation of foreign exchange
                transaction                             29          (19,138)       (8,125)      (19,138)       (8,125)
              Net loss from foreign exchange derivatives    29       10,405         4,829        10,405         4,829
              Unrealised loss on revaluation of
                Islamic profit rate swap                29           53,422        27,549        53,422        27,549
              Unrealised gain on revaluation of
                hedged items                            29          (59,901)      (31,262)      (59,901)       (31,262)
              Impairment losses on investments securities   31          36          3,066           36          3,066
              Impairment writeback on investment
                in a subsidiary                         31               -             -              -          (600)
              Fair value adjustments of investment
                properties                              29           (1,954)        1,918        (1,954)        1,918
              Net allowance for impairment on financing    30        99,642        51,925        99,642        51,925
              Financing written off                     30            4,680         2,687         4,680         2,687
              (Allowance for)/write-back of
                impairment on other financial assets, net   32          376        (1,204)         376         (1,204)
              Finance costs                             38           65,623        50,143        65,198        49,818
              Gross dividend income                     29             (42)          (59)        (3,000)       (1,000)
            Operating  profit before working capital changes        340,799       246,769       333,378       243,313
   174   175   176   177   178   179   180   181   182   183   184