Page 175 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 175
Our Performance Sustainability Statement Governance Our Numbers Other Information
FOR ThE yEAR ENdEd 31 dEcEMbER 2020 (16 JAMAdIL AwAL 1442h)
Group Bank
For the For the
twelve For the nine twelve For the nine
months months months months
ended ended ended ended
31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December
2020 2019 2020 2019
Note rM’000 rM’000 rM’000 rM’000
(Note 1) (Note 1)
Income derived from investment of
depositors’ funds and others 27 1,134,848 945,908 1,134,848 945,908
Income derived from investment of
investment account funds 28 369 113 369 113
Income derived from investment of
shareholders’ funds 29 36,179 11,526 31,275 8,064
Allowance for impairment on financing 30 (80,067) (21,587) (80,067) (21,587)
Allowance for impairment losses on
financial investments, net 31 (36) (3,066) (36) (2,466)
(Allowance for)/write-back of impairment
losses on other financial assets, net 32 (376) 1,204 (376) 1,204
Other expenses directly attributable
to the investment of the depositors and
shareholders’ funds (18,814) (7,329) (18,814) (7,329)
Total distributable income 1,072,103 926,769 1,067,199 923,907
Income attributable to depositors 33 (426,135) (407,832) (426,396) (408,077)
Total net income 645,968 518,937 640,803 515,830
Personnel expenses 34 (232,660) (178,288) (230,592) (176,597)
Other overheads and expenditures 37 (172,917) (150,193) (173,797) (150,083)
Finance costs 38 (65,623) (50,143) (65,198) (49,818)
Profit before zakat and taxation 174,768 140,313 171,216 139,332
Zakat 39 (3,352) (3,770) (3,282) (3,706)
Taxation 40 1,441 (37,737) 3,334 (37,215)
Profit for the year 172,857 98,806 171,268 98,411
Earnings per share attributable to shareholders
of the Bank (sen) (basic and diluted): 41 14.47 8.27
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements.