Page 173 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 173

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Governance        Our Numbers         Other Information


            AS  AT 31 DECEMbEr 2020 (16 JAMADIL AwAL 1442H)

                                                                                           31 December   31 December
                                                                                                  2020          2019
                                                                                   Note         rM’000        rM’000

            Cash and short-term funds                                              4 (a)       2,933,172     1,011,225
            Cash and placements with financial institutions                        4 (b)         30,417        53,925
            Financial investments at fair value through profit or loss             5 (i)        313,337        308,793
            Financial investments at fair value through other comprehensive income   5 (ii)    3,796,498     4,602,399
            Financial investments at amortised cost                                5 (iii)      105,544       103,162
            Islamic derivative financial assets                                     6            47,820        21,859
            Financing of customers                                                  7         18,110,202    15,857,343
            Other assets                                                            9           112,345        40,780
            Statutory deposits with Bank Negara Malaysia                            10           95,255       568,768
            Investment in subsidiaries                                              11           13,159        13,159
            Investment properties                                                   12           55,889        53,063
            Intangible  assets                                                      13           64,977        82,427
            Right-of-use assets                                                   15.1 (d)       31,588        41,466
            Property, plant and equipment                                           14           55,156        56,064
            Deferred tax assets                                                     16               -         13,250
            Total assets                                                                      25,765,359    22,827,683

            Deposits from customers                                                 17        21,514,158    18,955,006
            Deposits and placements of banks and other financial institutions       19           98,346         6,303
            Bills and acceptances payable                                           20            6,310         8,444
            Islamic derivative financial liabilities                                6           167,334        77,546
            Other liabilities                                                       21           89,073        52,316
            Lease liabilities                                                     15.1 (a)       34,018        43,823
            Provision for zakat and taxation                                        22            4,280         9,272
            Recourse obligation on financing sold to Cagamas                        23          444,141       459,633
            Deferred tax liabilities                                                16           11,826            -
            Subordinated sukuk                                                     24 (a)       250,642       250,532
            Senior sukuk                                                           24 (b)       502,692       502,517
            Total liabilities                                                                 23,122,820    20,365,392
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