Page 15 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 15


            Financing by Islamic Contract

                   5        6                5        6                                            FY2023     FY2022
                 4           7             4            7
                                                                    1  Tawarruq                    84.96%      84.25%
               3            8           3              8              Murabahah to the Purchase     4.95%       2.97%
                                   1                          1     2
             2                         2                              Orderer
                                                                    3  Bai’ Bithaman Ajil           4.51%       5.95%
                                                                    4  Murabahah                    4.03%       4.76%
                                                                    5  Bai’ Al-Dayn                 1.02%       1.13%
                     FY2023                     FY2022              6  Ijarah  Thumma Al-Bai'       0.31%       0.60%

                                                                    7  Shirkah Mutanaqisah          0.19%       0.30%
                                                                    8  Istisna’                     0.03%       0.04%
                                                                    9  Inah                            0%         0%
                                                                   10  Qard                            0%         0%

                4                          4
                                  1                                                                FY2023     FY2022
                                                                    1  Home financing              29.12%      25.39%
            3                         3
                                                                    2  Personal financing          28.43%      28.30%
                     Tawarruq                  Tawarruq
                     financing                 financing            3  Other term financing        14.80%      18.17%
                       split                     split              4  Others                      12.60%      12.39%


            Financing by Product

                                                                                                   FY2023     FY2022
                9          10              9          10
                  8         11               8        11            1  Home financing              33.03%      30.45%
                 7           12            7           12           2  Personal financing          28.53%      28.43%
              6                   1     6                    1      3  Other term financing        15.33%      18.96%
           5                          5                            4.  Revolving credit             7.29%       6.84%
          4                          4                             5.  Hire purchase receivables    5.40%       3.79%
                                                                     6  Claims on customers under    4.73%      5.11%
                                                                      acceptance credits
                     FY2023                     FY2022
                                                                    7  Syndicated financing         1.91%       2.29%
                                                                    8  Cash line                    1.69%       1.68%
                                                                    9  Ar-Rahnu                     1.28%       1.25%
                                                                    10  Trust receipts              0.31%       0.78%

                   3          2               3          2           11  Staff financing            0.28%       0.35%
                                                                    12  Credit Card                 0.21%       0.05%

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